Why aren't you an Atheist?

by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    EP you really are not qualifed to debate the Bible or God with me. There are many reasons for this, but none more obvious than you doubling down on the claim that the Serpent of Genesis was actually just exposing the lie of Yahweh.

    I haven't made that claim in this thread. And I am not doubling down on it. It's just obvious from the reading that what the serpent said was true, what YHWH said was not.

    Stop the sad lies to bolster your position, cupcake. The main reason I am not qualified to debate the Bible with YOU is that I refuse to allow you to attempt to qualify your made up BS as if it's somehow the truth because you made it up. Your attempt to appeal to your own authority to dismiss arguments you can't defend against is, as of now, exposed and deflated. And quite easily, I might add.

    Anyone who would preach this is not just a devil's advocate, but an agent of darkness.

    Ah, well then, thanks for that. Your attempt at name calling (reminder: the last refuge of the incompetent) is not working for you. I am not preaching it, just mentioning it when it's contextually relavent on a discussion board. In fact, YOU brought it up today. Seems like you are preaching it more than I am.

    The Bible is a document of brilliant light and therefore all it does is expose darkness and therefore exposes you. Darkness doesn't uncover light, it's the other way around.

    It truly does help to have your fictional work handy when I am exposing your made up BS, non sequiturs, pseudo-science, lies, name calling, etc. Your a good chap for pointing that out.

    And please, quit being so obsessed with me exposing myself. You have to pay extra for that.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Darkness doesn't uncover light, it's the other way around.

    "Light doesn't uncover darkness", Sab. Darkness is the ABSENSE of light.

    However, even on the darkest night, there's still SOME light present (a principle upon which night vision goggles (NVG) rely, making use of low-levels of ambient light present in most places, even indoors).You'd have to go into a tightly-sealed sealed room without any light-leak in order to be in pitch-black.

    Why do insist on making up stuff about physics, when you must KNOW that someone's going to know better? Wouldn't it be much more satisfying to actually LEARN physics first, and THEN draw correlations about it that can be made to ancient texts?

  • sabastious
    Why do insist on making up stuff about physics

    The philosophical observations on light do not contradict with known science as you seem to imply it does. You just are hell bent on the idea that Science somehow supercedes philosophy, spirituality and religion. You are unreasonable because reason came long before you and you're unwilling to admit it. When you can create water and travel faster than the speed of light then you can present your toys before God and you might get some acknowledgement. In the meantime feed the starving kids in Africa (and in your own country for that matter) or you, and your people, will continue to be regarded as cowards unwilling to make the tough decisions for the wellbeing of your planet.

    Revlation 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”


  • flipper

    BLOODY HOTDOGS- Welcome to the board ! In answer to your question : " Why aren't you an Atheist ? " I'll give the same answer when I tell people I'm not a Christian. Because I'm of the school of open mindedness and the school of " I don't know. " Kind of like the Bill Maher film " Religulous. "

    I'm open minded that there MAY be a great spirit in the sky, but just as open minded that there may NOT be a great spirit in the sky. I very probably believe in ghosts, spirits, or perhhaps that there is life after death - but I'm not totally sure, it's not etched in concrete or stone. Bottom line is nobody knows for sure, in my opinion. Whether I find out if there is or is not a God or not is not high on my priority list. I have precious little time on this earth as it is in my short 80 to 100 yr.life - so I concentrate on being actively involved in causes, efforts, and with humanity in ways I can leave this world a little better place as far as my power goes in dealing with fellow humans in a humane, caring way. I'm somewhat of a secular humanist so I remain happy with putting forth efforts in things I can change, but I don't waste time in banging my head on a wall over things I cannot change. And then there is somewhere in the middle between both areas that lie the unknown. I always leave that available to scrutinize and observe and learn from as well. Kind of my philosophy in life. Essentially I'm agnostic , feel organized religion is NOT necessary to draw close to a higher power , and a good deep part of me feels that the higher power can be found within ourself. Peace out, Mr. flipper

  • EntirelyPossible

    You just are hell bent on the idea that Science somehow supercedes philosophy, spirituality and religion.

    You are hellbent on the idea that somehow YOU, wrong on so many count so often, are somehow qualified to tell everyone what other people REALLY mean, REALLY think, are REALLY up to.

    Not sure why you think anyone would buy those lies given how many times you have been caught making stuff up.

    You are unreasonable because reason come before you and you are unwilling to admit it.

    You think cutting off baby forskins = gravity because God. Perhaps you should stop projecting yourself onto others. And that last sentence of yours I quoted doesn't make sense.

    When you can create water and travel faster than the speed of light then you can present your toys before God and you might get some acknowledgement.

    Are you losing it? You're off the deep end now. (FYI, creating water is a relatively easy task).

    In the meantime feed the starving kids in Africa (and in your own country for that matter) or you, and your people, will continue to be regarded as cowards unwilling to make the tough decisions for the wellbeing our planet.

    Do you know what the word "relavent" meants? If not, you should learn it. Because you aren't at the moment. You aren't making sense.

  • sabastious
  • sabastious
    FYI, creating water is a relatively easy task

    From http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/geophysics/manufacture-water.htm

    To create enough drinking water to sustain the global population, a very dangerous and incredibly large-scale process would be required. Still, over a century ago the thought ­of an internal combustion engine -- with its controlled repeated explosions -- seemed dangerously mad. And as water becomes scarcer, the process of joining hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms may become more attractive than it is currently. Necessity, after all, is the mother of invention.

    I'm not sure how you equate "relatively easy" and "incredibly large-scale and dangerous."

    You aren't making sense.

    No, you just aren't understanding.


  • sabastious

    It's so obvious that these pompous scientists of today are the modern Magic Practicers of ancient Egypt, a civilization that was destroyed by God. That's what the allegory of Exodus shows us, that there are going to be nobels that find out about science and therefore assert that they can do anything that God can do even though they CANNOT. A perfect example was the ludicrous statement EP made about the simpleness of creating water. Who cares if you can get the atoms to line up right, without a widescale application you cannot assert that it's a "simple process." The height of arrogance. Consider what EP had to say upon coming to a thread of mine with his slime:

    Only if by "flaw" you mean "the thing that makes it 100 billion times more accurate and useful than Jesus ever said on everything single thing".

    It's obvious that these scientists are trying to commandeer reality. That's why I often get accused of "making things up" because I am not allowed to make stuff up, only "accredited scientists" can make stuff up and call it truth. It's the Governing Body on steroids. Vomit inducing.


  • EntirelyPossible

    Let's adress this, shall we, Sabby? We shall!

    First, the insults, calling scientists pompous, what I write slime. Do you ever get tired of having to call names as your only defense of your position? Do you ever get embarassed that your best efforts always ends with you in an indefensible position and simply going on a screed of insults?

    Anyway, moving on, regarding water, you first mentioned simply making water. I said was easy. I know this for a fact. I did it in high school. Then your dishonestly attempted to move to goalposts by talking about making enough drinking water to sustain the entire planet. Fortunately, I am here to point your blatant and utter dishonesty, giving you the chance to repent of your sins get right with your god.

    With respect your comment that science is the same as the GB setting doctrine and you not being allowed to make up stuff, well, I'll just presume that is an error on your part and not an outright lie you will need to repent of. If I am wrong, however, I suggest you pray on this and beg for mercy.

    First, God didn't destroy the Egyptians. They still exist.

    Second, it wasn't the height of arrogance to suggest it's simple to create water. It is. You are wrong, tried to move to goalposts, now you are called out on the BS. Please, stop your lies, they just make you look silly.

    Third, scientists aren't trying to commandeer reality. For the thousandth time, science is simply a method of figuring out reality in a way such that others can reproduce the effort and test it for themselves. No one is stopping you from making up stuff. No one is telling you that you can't tell everyone about that made up stuff. The issue, I suspect, is that science WORKS. It's testable, repeatable and produces results. Your made up stuff is none of that. It's just made up. You can tell everyone all about it all you like. The way free speech, works, though, is that others get to examine your ideas and test them against reality, known facts and logic. It's not my or science or anyone else's fault your idea, like the Torah talking about genetics, are easily disprovable. Form better ideas that are defensible with something other than childish name calling.

    Your comparison to the GB is laughable. You are the one trying to tell everyone that ONLY your version is right. Science THRIVES and encourages new ideas overturning the old. The only caveat is that it MUST be testable, falsifiable, and repeatable. Your ideas don't even come close to meeting these criteria. There is no such thing as an "accredited scientists". Anyone can practice science. You can. I can. I often do, in fact. Don't hate because your ideas don't stand up to critical thinking. Just come up with better ideas.

    And dude, stop the name calling. It's just weak. It doesn't make you look tough or better or like you are winning. It's just childish. Grow up.

  • sabastious

    Really the issue is that Science has turned into a cult run by greedy, arrogant people such as yourself. Such should be expected, however, because everything else good on this planet also gets commandeered by greedy and arrogant people like you. You can sit there on your high horse and your gobs of money and pomp and say that Science is this thing that everybody can do. That's an outright lie that your perpetuate on a regular basis. You are like a person at a carnival who goes around holding the big stuffed animals obtained from winning rigged games so that people will have false hope that the games are winnable. Science is for the elite only and anyone else can go suck an egg, that's your dirty little secret. All you do is stand upon the weight of logical technicalities as you stick out your vile tongue. It's just like when capitalists say that anyone can succeed in our economic world, it just takes committment and hard work. They only say that because captialism makes them rich, they don't care about the poor they just tell them to have more committment and work harder while they sink into oblivion. No skin off the rich's nose, none at all. The fact is that someone can be 100% committed, focused and work as hard as they possibly can and still fail due to extenuating circumstances, which renders captialism just another flawed model designed to create classes of people. People who "succeed" are lauded and people who "fail" who are shown to be bad examples in the "system." You are just a puppet with no answers, EP, and you are a slave master just like that of Ancient Egypt (who were also puppets), which WAS destroyed by God. There's never been a reason to speak with you, but I have done it so that the people listening will see you, and your people, for who you truly are. Even if people believe I am as vile as you, at least they will know the truth about YOU. Because I already know I am not vile, you are and eventually all in your life will see this for what it truly is, if they have not already unless you repent of your ghastly deeds. Not only do you deny God, but you encourage people to give the Serpent in Revelation a second look. How dare you challenge anyone's assertion that you are anything else but fulfilment of Bible prophecy. You are just a reckless scoffer with nothing to offer the world. Go home.


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