Why aren't you an Atheist?

by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    You worship a murderer. And you like it. Sick.

    You are funny. I think you have Narcissistic personality disorder that makes you a sick puppy, imo. You should go see a doctor, but NPD's rarely do. Maybe you could go see KS! That would be good for you two.


  • tec

    And I see how believers band together. I don't see it quite as much with the nonbelievers.

    I see it from both. And for the record, since you've thrown my name in there as an example, I have defended EP to Sab before as well. And on this thread, I was also not even the first person to ask EP to cut Sab some slack. And quite honestly, if someone was talking about suicide ideation, stating that it was because of how I was speaking to them... I would back off if they asked me to, and I think you would as well.

    NC the answer is that Moses was Christ.

    These are not the same people. I'm not sure if you meant instead that they shared some of the same 'duties'.

    But they did not teach all the same things, and they were not the same person.

    Moses made many allowances for the people due to their hardened hearts. But Christ spoke truth always...hard hearts or not. People either heard and followed Him, or did not.

    Moses also taught a lot of the same things, true enough. Some of those get lost in the rest of the laws that the people chose to focus on or distort.

    It's always amusing to see people that profess to be super nice and worship a god of love start talking about how people can get killed if you disrespect them

    I am pretty sure he meant that the other way around. That using words to fight with can get the believer killed (or slapping back can get the believer killed).



  • sabastious
    These are not the same people.

    Yes, they were the same person at different stages in the game. I will just agree to disagree on this.


  • EntirelyPossible

    You're being a squirl again, hard to speak with.

    I know. It's tough to talk when you're getting called out for making stuff up over and over. Calling names probably is your best defense at this point.

  • EntirelyPossible

    You are funny. I think you have Narcissistic personality disorder that makes you a sick puppy, imo. You should go see a doctor, but NPD's rarely do. Maybe you could go see KS! That would be good for you two.

    Awww, attacking me when your message falls flat is so cute.

    Moses was not a murderer.....Sab

    Wiki Answers:

    In the torah, Moses both executes and commands murder on thousands of people for various reasons, mostly having to do with the will of God. The first time he commits murder in the beginning of the book of Exodus, he kills an Egyptian man and buries him in the sand. But as the commander of the Israelites, he slaughters thousands of men, women and children in countless cities as well as slaughtering many of his own men. Moses is one of history's most brutal commanders of war. (Exodus 2:12) (Exodus 32:27) (Deuteronomy 2:34) (Deuteronomy 3:6) (Deuteronomy 7:2) (Numbers 31:17)

    Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_did_Moses_kill_so_many_people#ixzz2A2fJgucz .....................................................................................................................................................

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious
    I know. It's tough to talk when you're getting called out for making stuff up over and over. Calling names probably is your best defense at this point.

    It's hard to talk to someone who can to very little but disagree and make attempt for that disagreement to make sense. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't, all completely unbeknownst to you. Go see a doctor and a shrink, you are a very sick and twisted soul.


  • tec

    There is every reason to think that. Jesus himself supported the OT, the flood, the Law. Why do you choose to ignore that?

    The bible contradicts itself, even in the OT, EP. How do you know which is truth? Why do you choose to ignore the 'good', in favor of the 'bad'?

    Christ corrected many 'misunderstandings' of the law... or many laws that were given BECAUSE of the hard-heartedness of the people. Such as the law on divorce. Why is it so hard to apply the lesson learned from that to all the other things that seem to contradict the teachings and example of Christ?

    I look to Christ, alone. He is who I learn from. That means having to check a lot of baggage at the door (Christ), and I still have to do it. Everything that we have been fed, through religion, through which scriptures are allowed and how they are read, through men, through media, through tradition and doctrine that take lives of their own... all of that should leave us with our heads spinning, and it does so often.

    But Christ, otoh, looking just at Him is so simple. Too simple for some to accept, perhaps?

    Narrow path = Christ

    All those other things are distractions from that path, calling and shouting out as you walk along, tripping you up.



  • sabastious
    In the torah, Moses both executes and commands murder on thousands of people for various reasons

    All war heroes get accused of murder, it doesn't make it so. War is complicated. I live in a country that killed many Japanese children, is Harry Truman a murderer? It wouldn't be a baseless argument, but it would lack vision and perspective.


  • sabastious
    Awww, attacking me when your message falls flat is so cute.

    Not an attack, I'm using truth as a defense. Man up or go home.


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