Why aren't you an Atheist?

by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    Moses = Jesus in your world. You worship a murderer and you like that. Sick. Just sick.

    Moses was not a murderer. Was General Eisenhower a murderer? Harry Truman?


  • tec

    What I don't understand is how a person decides that their interpretation of Jesus, gleaned from the bible, is accurate, but the other parts about the bible are not accurate. One person comes along and makes the decision that it is all about Christ, and that God should be viewed through Christ, and it's okay to just dismiss portions of the bible that don't agree with their interpretation of Christ. Another person could come along and use the exact same reasoning and decide that information on Moses was accurate, and that God should be viewed through his interaction with Moses and anything that disagrees with that is simply wrong. Then the person who went with Christ will come along and say that the scriptures support choosing Christ over Moses. But the person who chose Moses could simply dismiss those scriptures----cuz they want to and have their own scriptures they prefer.

    Well, if one was looking at the bible as a whole, one still comes to the conclusion that CHRIST is the fulfillment. Moses said also that we would listen to Him, as did God. Christ is the Truth. Moses was never called the truth. What i find hard to understand is how people can take a book as a whole, but choose to believe things in the middle, over the conclusion at the end.

    Even an atheist (one who continues to debate faith, bible, religion, etc) picks and chooses. I just don't understand their basis for what they choose to believe and what they choose to discard.

    Uh huh, and where did you read that?

    In the gospels. Which witness TO Christ. But are not, themselves, CHRIST.



  • EntirelyPossible

    In essence yes there is. I am just keeping it simple. Nice dodge.

    It's in no way a dodge. There no law that says what you claim it does. More made up stuff to support a ridiculous position of you supporting murder.

  • sabastious
    It's in no way a dodge. There no law that says what you claim it does. More made up stuff to support a ridiculous position of you supporting murder.

    Oh yes, it's a squirly dodge.

    Possession of marijuana can be treated as either a Class A misdemeanor or as a Class C felony, depending on the person's prior criminal history and whether or not the marijuana appears to be for other than personal use. If a person already has a conviction for Marijuana, Second Degree (misdemeanor offense), then any further arrests for marijuana will be charged as Marijuana First Degree, a felony.

    The law is lax on possession without intent to traffic, but the law gives the police the option to take action just based on possession. When one is smoking weed they are in possession of it. If you were smoking weed and a cop came into the room would you offer him a joint?


  • EntirelyPossible

    Moses was not a murderer. Was General Eisenhower a murderer? Harry Truman?

    False equivalency. Moses, at the time he flew into a rage and murdered an Egyptian, he was not a general leading an army in battle. He wasn't even chosen by God at the point.

  • sabastious
    False equivalency. Moses, at the time he flew into a rage and murdered an Egyptian, he was not a general leading an army in battle. He wasn't even chosen by God at the point.

    How many Hebrews did the Egyptians murder according to the story? Moses was a Hebrew in the story, how do you think killing little Hebrew babies made him feel? Why do you think he wrote down "eye for an eye"?


  • sabastious
    He wasn't even chosen by God at the point.

    Excuse me? Moses was chosen at birth. Maybe you should read this book you say you know so well again, but slower this time. He was SAVED from infanticide to fulful his destiny which included killing an Egyptian and fleeing to the wilderness.


  • EntirelyPossible

    Oh yes, it's a squirly dodge.

    Well, another lie. You claim a law says something. It doesn't say that at all, but dammit, you are going keep trying to sell that lie to prove your point.

    The law is lax on possession without intent to traffic, but the law gives the police the option to take action just based on possession. When one is smoking weed they are in possession of it. If you were smoking weed and a cop came into the room would you offer him a joint?

    That doesn't say "thou shall not smoke weed". You're still wrong.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Excuse me? Moses was chosen at birth. Maybe you should read this book you say you know so well again, but slower this time.

    You're excused.

    Moses was a murderer.

    You think Jesus was Moses.

    Jeses was therefore a murderer.

    You worship a murderer. And you like it. Sick.

    He was SAVED from infanticide to fulful his destiny which included killing an Egyptian and fleeing to the wilderness.

    Stop making stuff up again, crackerjack. Bible never says Moses had a destiny as a murderer.

  • sabastious
    That doesn't say "thou shall not smoke weed". You're still wrong.

    You're being a squirl again, hard to speak with.


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