Please worship our god or he will kill you!

by snare&racket 140 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I believed in grace, preached on it & wrote about it. I believed salvation was a free gift and had nothing to do with any merit on the part of the individual xtian.

    I believe, the promise of salvation as a free gift, includes both justification and sanctification, .

    I also believed that the HS should result in a growth of the fruitage of the HS and that ought to become evident in the life of the xtian.

    Evident how and to whom? What exactly do/did YOU expect to see? In yourself or others?

    Exactly - worship me or die. That is not a basis for a loving or familial relationship - it is a good foundation for Stockholm Syndrome that victims confuse with love.

    I can't agree more, sadly though many "believers" as well as unbelievers prefer that sort of relationship with God, as well as others. I believe, that it was God's plan before creation to redeemed Adam and Eve from living in the garden of eden where they would have been slaves to the law (even before the fall), let them sin, then paid their debt. Gods relationship of love to his children was based on the love of His Son before creation, the fall and the law. They/we were chosen in Christ BEFORE the foundations of the world. (Eph 1:3,4). This is the foundation for my relatrionship with God, not some threat of "obey or die".

  • cofty

    PSac - its perfectly simple. You said that a christian is made fully human when they accept christ.

    Logically it follows that they were previously not "fully human".

    Please explain very simply how I can be not fully human, and yet not in any way inferior to a christian.

    All I have seen so far is obfusaction.

  • Ucantnome


    If you have no sin and are righteous before God would he end your life?

    Adam and Eve never had righteousness, even before they sinned. If they did they wouldn't have sinned.

    Deputy Dog,

    could you explain to me what you mean?

  • cofty

    Deputy Dog - Thanks for your honesty. There is so much about your position that I find objectionable but I respect that you have a consistent and coherent theology.

    The modern American Protestant, wishy-washy - "isn't god lovely" nonsense drives me mad. It's devoid of content and primarily designed to make its adherents feel good about themselves. It produces self-satisfied worshipers who haven't the first clue about what they believe or why. Its the religious equivalent of McDonalds.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I want to start by saying I'm sorry if it looks like I'm picking on YOU, this is about the bigger picture.

    Where in what I posted did I say a CHristian is Better than anyone else?

    Granted it seems to imply that and I apologise for the wording if it went in that direction.

    What I was trying to convey is what the ideal goal for a Christian is.

    It’s self-righteous to even think even that YOU can.

    A Christian trying to be a better person because of Gods love for him, (not to earn Gods love) is no better than anyone else that is trying to be a better person for their own reasons.

    And that’s my point, it no different either. That’s humanistic thinking. But to believe that God will sanctify you in the time and way of HIS choosing is something else altogether different.

    Fully human As God intended, for us all.

    It was poorly worded, I apologize because I didn't mean to imply that.

    If one believes we are created in God's image and that "image" was damaged by the Fall, then to be "whole again", what is broken must be fixed and that is where CHrist comes in ( for a Christian).

    This is a good place to expose another WT lie. This implies that Christ’s life, death, and resurrection was plan B

    Fully human AS GOD INTENDED.

    If you beleive in the Fall then you understand what I mean.

    I believe in the fall, but, I don’t agree with what you mean. I look forward to the day of my completion and the day I’ll be conformed to the Image of His Son.

    I don’t want to go back to the image of Adam in the garden.

    I don't think that anyone here thiks humans have reached their FULL potential, have we?

    Well, I’m sure someone will come along and beat out Hitler’s evil.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Deputy Dog - Thanks for your honesty. There is so much about your position that I find objectionable but I respect that you have a consistent and coherent theology.

    Thanks for the respect and the opertunity to share my view.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    My point was that Adam was innocent, before the fall, not righteous. If he were "righteous" (like Christ/God) he would have never sinned.

  • Ucantnome

    Deputy Dog.

    so you are saying Adam was unrighteous before he sinned?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    so you are saying Adam was unrighteous before he sinned?

    Yes! The purpose of the law (don't eat the fruit) was to expose that.

    Rom 5:13

    for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law.

  • bohm

    So why did god make poor adam like that?

    One bad explanation made up to cover for another..

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