I believed in grace, preached on it & wrote about it. I believed salvation was a free gift and had nothing to do with any merit on the part of the individual xtian.
I believe, the promise of salvation as a free gift, includes both justification and sanctification, .
I also believed that the HS should result in a growth of the fruitage of the HS and that ought to become evident in the life of the xtian.
Evident how and to whom? What exactly do/did YOU expect to see? In yourself or others?
Exactly - worship me or die. That is not a basis for a loving or familial relationship - it is a good foundation for Stockholm Syndrome that victims confuse with love.
I can't agree more, sadly though many "believers" as well as unbelievers prefer that sort of relationship with God, as well as others. I believe, that it was God's plan before creation to redeemed Adam and Eve from living in the garden of eden where they would have been slaves to the law (even before the fall), let them sin, then paid their debt. Gods relationship of love to his children was based on the love of His Son before creation, the fall and the law. They/we were chosen in Christ BEFORE the foundations of the world. (Eph 1:3,4). This is the foundation for my relatrionship with God, not some threat of "obey or die".