Hello, Larsinger,
Jesus hearkens back to Daniel, true. But this connection at Mat. 24:15 says "When therefore, you shall see, stationed on holy ground, that destructive abomination, which is spoken of through Daniel the prophet,(reader attend) "then let those in Judea escape to the mountains." Daniel's numbers are not material to this warning--not in this instance.
As to whether you have convinced me that a life span given in Ps. 90:10 is the equivalent to the Greek or Aramaic word used at Matt. 24:34 --I have no reason to think they are the same. It is your opinion only.
Of course, numbers come up in the bible. My reason not to fasten on to a chronology even if they come up in the bible is they are RELATIVELY unimportant --even to Jesus.
Jesus wasn't against tithing either. But its importance was relatively low in his eyes compared to other things:"Woe to you Pharisees! Because you tithe of mint, and rue, and every pot-herb, but disregard justice and the love of God; these things you ought to practice, and not to omit those." Lu. 11:42
In general Jesus seems to warn us off of overreliance on timetables--AS SO WELL THE WTS/FDS HAS SHOWN US ALL. All the rest of Matt. 24 tells of that sad outcome of a time expectation gone wrong. Spiritual abuse ensues.
Lars, aren't you glad Jesus simply lived so wonderfully that uneducated, dirty or poor he gave us all a certain guide to discipleship that would keep people like myself from being the spiritual slave of my "betters"-better in math, intellect, leisure? "Just as I have loved you, so you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves."
This is understandable even without a diagram that even a child can grasp it.
It is hard to think that numbers lit much of the wise virgins lamps. Maybe the foolish ones thought that chronology would light their way.