Jesus didn't care about chronologies and bible knowledge--why should we?

by humbled 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • humbled

    Ding, I guess it's true that some were pulled in by the numbers.. I can remember that was a "hook" for one really zealous old pioneer sister. I came in for the way the witnesses stood for peace and for me the dates made me uneasy.

    The down side of the dates/chronologies in thinking what you said: it appealed to superior knowledge not loving God and Men.

    Poor old sister, she is sick and old. I wrote her a few months ago to tell her how I remembered her kindness to me and the kids. Poor thing, she couldn't answer.

  • humbled

    Tater--I'm still laughing at that video. WRONG WRONG WRONG

    That is the essense of what the Brooklyn Corp wrote me when I had to lay my case before them. It wasn'tthat I was particularly WRONG in what I had presented to them, just INHERENTLY wrong because I disagreed with something.

    What it taught me is that God doesn't/didn't put believers in that position with one another. Otherwise having a conscience is just a useless annoyance.

  • humbled

    You might have something there , transhuman. There are cultural tides that can push us for sure--Numbers seem a way to allow practical people to approach God through a "back door".

    Otherwise you are left with that primitive old invitation to meet God through Jesus' teachings. Like he (maybe)said at John 7:17.

  • Larsinger58

    Jesus indeed introduces some "chronology."

    For one, he says the signs of the last days would occur before a generation ended, so he puts a time limit on everything happening within a generation, which at most is 80 years (Ps. 90:10).

    Also Christ does mention the "appointed times of the nations" which is clearly a specific time during which the nations would rule over the Jews and the Jews would be in exile. Plus Daniel is mentioned by Jesus and Daniel definitely is a prophet of chronology! Daniel 12:12 says, "Happy is the one who keeps in expectation of the 1335 days." So are we to ignore this? Also 1290 days are mentioned as well. Are we not to try to figure this out? There is also the "70 weeks" prophecy and the "7 times" prophecy -- more chronology! What about the "2300 evenings and mornings"? Is this to be IGNORED, just because someone doesn't like math?

    CHRONOLOGY is part of the "extra oil" the wise virgins bring along with them and which enables them to have their lamps burning in time to get into the wedding feast when Christ arrives. The "foolish virgins" are like those who look down on chronology and discourage people from focusing on it. The chronology was not placed into the Bible to be ignored, but to help recognize the Christ when he arrives!

  • Larsinger58

    Just remembere, the 5 foolish virgins are not interested in chronology, but the 5 wise virgins are, they are into the "extra oil" that is part of chronology. In the end, the 5 wise virgins get into the kingdom in time, but the foolish virgins, who want to ignore chronology arrive to late.

    All the chronology is now revealed and in place to confirm the Bible's timeline and the future fulfillments, including how to correct the revised Persian timeline. Those who wish to hold onto the idea that the academic world is honest and accurately representing true history know litgtle about ancient politics and ancient history.

  • snare&racket

    Yeah thank goodness god used humans to write a book that contradicts itself, contradicts historical evidence and is ignorant of scientific facts. Thank goodness it was written decades after the events to fill us with confidence!

    Thank goodness that people recorded the jewish human Ieshua (jesus) discussing slavery as a normal and unobjectionable activity, advocating the honour in working hard for your owner, even if he isn't there to watch you work....

    Anyone that thinks forgiveness is related to blood sacrifice needs help, don't pretend the gospel message is anything less that this disturbing Bronze Age belief. Dress it up in myth of snakes and apples all you want. When death is appropriate payment for isomeone elses sin, eating some is cheap.

    Thank goodness we can look to history and see old gods, old beliefs, old scriptures long forgotten, I take comfort in knowing these disgusting verses are destined to the same insignificance. inaccurate chronology and numbers included......

    i like how you think it would be egotistical of a god to write his own book, I guess you don't believe 2 Tim 3:16 then.... Lol

  • Larsinger58
    SNARE: Yeah thank goodness god used humans to write a book that contradicts itself, contradicts historical evidence and is ignorant of scientific facts. Thank goodness it was written decades after the events to fill us with confidence!

    The Bible does not contradict historical evidence. You've been deceived by those who want you to think that. I'm just going to give you one example.

    There is a single solar eclipse that dates the entire Assyrian period. It is misdated by the secular world to 763 BCE. This means Shishak's invasion is dated to 925 BCE. The archaeologists then take this date and compares it to radiocarbon 14 data available for Shishak's invasion which points to 871 BCE and claim that Shishak's invasion, which is documented in Egyptian records, means the Bible's histsory is inaccurate. Then people like yourself think that the Bible is not historical. When the wrong date is applied to this eclipse, then David and Solomon appear too early in the record and it does, indeed, conflict with historical and archaeological dating.

    But now that is changed. The VAT4956 confirms for us that the rule of NB was changed by 57 years. The original year 37 was moved back in time from 511 BCE back to 568 BCE. This is the reason the Assyrian eponym eclipse was substituted and applied to 763 BCE. But when the timeline is corrected and reduced, the Assyrian eclipse gets corrected to 54 years later to 709 BCE. When that happens, Shishak's invasion occurs in 871 BCE, year 39 of Solomon, which dates Solomon's 4th year to 906 BCE and thus the Exodus, 480 years earlier to 1386 BCE. That is the true original timeline.

    Now how does this affect the Bible's history and timeline? Well, we can use 1947 to date the 70th jubilee of 49 years from 1947-1996. When the 70th jubilee ends in 1996, then it begins in 1435 BCE, a period of 3430 years (49 x 70 = 3430). The Exodus would be the 50th year after this, a jubilee event itself, the first jubilee event of this period. 1435 minus 49 = 1386 BCE. So per the Bible, the Exodus must occur in 1386 BCE. But also per the corrected Assyrian eclipse, directly supported by radiocarbon dating, both of which point to 871 BCE for Shishak's invasion, we also get 1386 BCE for the date for the Exodus.

    Now another astronomical text dates the 12th of Akhenaten to 1375 BCE, which means his first year would also fall in 1386 BCE. Akhenaten is known to have dismissed the gods of Egypt as "worthless" and become a monotheist, which is a textbook response to the 10 plagues!! So the Bible is very good history when you have the truth and get past lying, anti-Biblical scholars and archaeologists!

    The Bible is true and great history for those who actually know the facts.

    You have been deceived.

  • prologos

    acts 1:7 you will not understand time- appointed times, -- placed in the father's jurisdiction---

    1tim. 1:4 Genealogies--foolish--

  • humbled

    Hello, Larsinger,

    Jesus hearkens back to Daniel, true. But this connection at Mat. 24:15 says "When therefore, you shall see, stationed on holy ground, that destructive abomination, which is spoken of through Daniel the prophet,(reader attend) "then let those in Judea escape to the mountains." Daniel's numbers are not material to this warning--not in this instance.

    As to whether you have convinced me that a life span given in Ps. 90:10 is the equivalent to the Greek or Aramaic word used at Matt. 24:34 --I have no reason to think they are the same. It is your opinion only.

    Of course, numbers come up in the bible. My reason not to fasten on to a chronology even if they come up in the bible is they are RELATIVELY unimportant --even to Jesus.

    Jesus wasn't against tithing either. But its importance was relatively low in his eyes compared to other things:"Woe to you Pharisees! Because you tithe of mint, and rue, and every pot-herb, but disregard justice and the love of God; these things you ought to practice, and not to omit those." Lu. 11:42

    In general Jesus seems to warn us off of overreliance on timetables--AS SO WELL THE WTS/FDS HAS SHOWN US ALL. All the rest of Matt. 24 tells of that sad outcome of a time expectation gone wrong. Spiritual abuse ensues.

    Lars, aren't you glad Jesus simply lived so wonderfully that uneducated, dirty or poor he gave us all a certain guide to discipleship that would keep people like myself from being the spiritual slave of my "betters"-better in math, intellect, leisure? "Just as I have loved you, so you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves."

    This is understandable even without a diagram that even a child can grasp it.

    It is hard to think that numbers lit much of the wise virgins lamps. Maybe the foolish ones thought that chronology would light their way.

  • humbled

    That is a great solid tear, snare & racket. I mean it! My key board nearly levitated with your rage.

    Your remarks will flush me out of hiding for sure.

    I have an attitude toward the use of scripture and the way we are forced to BELIEVE that ended my connection with organized religion.

    The matters you raise should be addressed one by one in thoughtful posts. They are all great topics.

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