Jesus didn't care about chronologies and bible knowledge--why should we?

by humbled 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Larsinger58


    Hats off to you Lars your prolific writing is only second to your entertainment value in a Garry Busey sort of way. However, the book of Hebrews shows that Jesus fulfilled ALL OT cerominal requirement and details first time round. It's obvious you welcome these challenges as it gives you a platform to propagate your perceived messiah-ship. Thank you for your courtesy responses, however, I will refrain from further rebuttals with you as it only giving you the oppurinity to push your agenda regardless of Biblical truths and topics being addressed on this forum.


    Thanks, but I do not agree with that blanket statement. Of course, you're a preterist and so lean toward everything being fulfilled the first time. But, in fact, Christ fulfills everything, but some things at the first coming and some things at the second. Case in point is the reason why some come up with "the gap" theory. Have you heard of "the gap" theory. It relates to Daniel and how a great tribulation and "extermination" and war are mentioned in connection with the "70 weeks." It is very basic to link the 70 weeks to when Christ is baptized in 29 CE and show the 70 weeks begin in 455 BCE. The witnesses as well use this reference. But the wars and the tribulation, etc. did not happen before 29 CE. Clearly this would be a major event and Jerusalem was not destroyed until 70 CE.

    So those trying to see this as being fulfilled by the fall of Jerusalem invent "the gap" theory where you count down to 29 CE and then they put a huge gap in the 70 weeks and have it include 70 CE somehow. This is a JOKE! What's the point of having chronology if you have to twist it around to make it work? No. Instead, the "great tribulation" is clearly something that happens as part of the end-times and just before the Jews are restored to their homeland and the end of the gentile times occurs. Thus the "70th week" is a double fulfillment, one that is applied to both the 1st coming and the 2nd coming!

    The 70th week of the first coming does not include the "great tribulation" because that occurs after the 62 weeks of the 2nd 70 weeks and it is a reference to the "worst event in human history," which is the HOLOCAUST!. So there is no "gap theory" but there is a double fulfillment for both the first and second coming during the 70th week! The 70th week of the first coming is 29-36 CE, where Christ fulfills the first half of the 70th week. We count down 70 weeks down to our time (4 x 490 = 1960 + 36 CE = 1996). Thus the 70th week of the 2nd coming is 1989-1996 where Christ arrives at the middle of the week to fulfill the second half, and thus within less than a year of Passover of 1993, which is the mid-week passover. So this prophecy shows us within a year when Christ will appear at both the 1st and 2nd coming. \

    So you aredefinitely WRONG about Christ fulfilling everything the first time. Even the "7 times" prpohecy shows the stump is banded with two bands, one iron and one copper. This represents the 1st and 2nd coming in connection with the 2520 years. The first time Christ arrives he is a Jew and thus a white man -- that's the band of iron. Now Paul was not considered a Jew by appearance but Egyptian, because he was dark. So the Jews were fair-skinned. But the second band on the tree is "copper" which relfects the copper complexion of the messiah at the second coming, the Ethiopian eunuch! So Jesus fulfilling evrything in the OT the first time is definitely a false teaching.

    I'm sorry this is exhausting you. Plus I'm surprised how some think I'm obviously intelligent since usually they claim I'm crazy. But the fact is, I was just thinking how much this fulfills prophecy. Lazarus, though having serious difficulties and sexual issues forcing him to be disfellowshipped and thus outside the gate of the rich man, who represents the GB, is still a lover of knowledge. When later on he repents and actually is chosen to be the messiah, the Bible describes him as having lots of knowledge and being very happy....

    LUKE 15:19 “But a certain man was rich, and he used to deck himself with purple and linen, enjoying himself from day to day with magnificence. 20 But a certain beggar named Laz´a·rus used to be put at his gate, full of ulcers 21 and desiring to be filled with the things dropping from the table of the rich man. Yes, too, the dogs would come and lick his ulcers. 22 Now in course of time the beggar died and he was carried off by the angels to the bosom [position] of Abraham. “Also, the rich man died and was buried. 23 And in Ha´des he lifted up his eyes, he existing in torments, and he saw Abraham afar off and Laz´a·rus in the bosom [position] with him. 24 So he called and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Laz´a·rus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in anguish in this blazing fire.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you received in full your good things in your lifetime, but Laz´a·rus correspondingly the injurious things. Now, however, he is having comfort here but you are in anguish. 26 And besides all these things, a great chasm has been fixed between us and YOU people, so that those wanting to go over from here to YOU people cannot, neither may people cross over from there to us.’ 27 Then he said, ‘In that event I ask you, father, to send him to the house of my father, 28 for I have five brothers, in order that he may give them a thorough witness, that they also should not get into this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to these.’ 30 Then he said, ‘No, indeed, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them they will repent.’ 31 But he said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead.’”

    So the "comfort" I have is that now I have all this knowledge. I can explain how to correct the Persian timeline, using C14 and astronomicakl texts! I can harmonize the dating of the 2nd coming to 1992! So I am having great comfort and joy for all the knowledge I have now, knowledge that is tormenting the GB! But YOU want to back off now because you see where this is leading. The more you talk to me to more you are learning and the more you learn the more you will be convinced that I must be the Christ! There is no way around this but to "see no evil, hear no evil and you will speak no evil!" The quest of those who love darkness is to hide from the light.

    Now the WTS would just love to sponsor me as the Christ! I think they included the "sign of the son of man" the face of the sleeping black child and other pictures of the 2nd coming Christ as being BLACK, so they could backtrack. That is, if it turned out I was the true Christ, they'd love to sponsor me and have me use the Watchtower to put out all the new truths! But God has decided otherwise. For them to openly embrace me as the Christ, they'd have to be exposed as the "evil slave" and the "man of lawlessness." So they are in torment and they want just a little break, like a drop of water on their tongue, so that they can stop publishing so many false teachings! But this is prevented. I cannot decide to help them and they cannot use my truths without exposing themselves. Now we are all human. To make sure there is no cross-over between the secret world of Lazarus and the public world of the WTS, a "chasm" has been created between us, so that I cannot go over to them and they cannot come over to me. What is this "chasm"? It's the Law Code! God has removed the Law Code for the secret elect but not for the public elect. Without law there is no "sin." So I can no longer sin. Sins in the Bible are no longer sins to me, but instead, "Jehovah Is Our Righteousness." We are like secret, underground drug agents who buy, sell and even use drugs in order to nab a drug dealer, but the law does not indict us. To make sure this is not just believed but worked out, I end up having to have sex with both men and women. So it is very difficult to claim "Im the true Christ" in person when everybody around me knows I have lovers and am sexually active. That's the "chasm" that has been created. So even if the WTS wanted to publicly explain the scriptures and correct the timeline and then point to me as the Christ, they can't, because no one will accept me as the Christ if I'm out there giving blow jobs to half the men in this town (well, it's not really that bad, but it involves more than one man, plus at least one woman). So in no way does anyone who knows me personally take me seriously as the Christ they worship in their church. I've told a few people I'm the Christ, but I don't push it. It's a detail. One best friend of mine just came out and said he knows I'm not the Christ because he knows I'm out here sinning. Period. My parents are the same way. For whatever they might stop to listen for from the scriptures, they know a little bit of what I'm doing and so they stop listening based on my conduct.

    But this was designed by God to keep the two world's separate I drink, I gamble, I have sex, I smoke -- all the things the WTS focusses on as sins. Of course, smoking and gambling are not sins, but still, it's the appearance of the Christ, a holy and sinless person now engaging in these sins. Only it is not a sin for me and the others in the "JIOR" because we are no longer under Law. Satan cannot tempt us into some sin after we have been sealed because we are no longer under law. So this is the "chasm" that is created. They cannot come to me and I cannot go to them. I have the light and they are dwelling in spiritual darkness as was prophesied!

    You cannot defeat what I know, so you must run and shut your eyes and ears so you do not hear. But reality will catch up with everybody, sooner or later, at Armageddon. When God chooses to "reveal" me to the world as the Christ via some miracle or event, then Armageddon will closely follow. That's where we are in time now. The 2nd coming was 20 years ago on December 25, 1992!

  • Heaven


    Jack Sparrow Runaway

  • Larsinger58


    At first Lars was confusing to me and I read his posts trying to understand.

    Then he became amusing.

    Then I read about his cross dressing dancing.

    Then I started skipping his stuff as its so long and crazy.

    Now I'm just kind of disturbed by him.


    Interesting feedback. But now prophecy is becoming fulfilled! People are finally starting to pay attention to the details and they will soon see there is no choice but to correct the timeline and then 1992 will have to have some significance for the second coming. They will see christ must be in an imperfect body looking like the Ethiopian eunuch and they will realize I'm the true Christ, finally. But that means the door is closed to th ekingdom when that happens! Remember, the foolish virgins eventually get their lamps burning. When they do, they come to me to get into the kingdom, but I reject them. It is too late. Don't forget the door to the ark was already sealed 7 days before the rains actually began!!

    So maybe Jehovah is now opening the minds now and showing you the truth and showing you the fulfillment of prophecy and how that will all point to ME. But it will be too late to accept me as the Christ as far as getting into the kingdom at that point.

    Now you did say something that is sort of an inside joke in the Bible about me. It is true, I do have a tendency to provide a lot of "background" in my posts and they run on and on and on and are very long. So in the Bible when it says when Christ arrives he will use the LONG sword of his mouth, it is a direct reference to how LONG-WINDED I am! I just can't help not saying so much. So even the Bible notes I tend to be LONG winded in my exposure of false teachings and dishonest academic propaganda!

    But you know what, once everyone sees that the Bible is true and they see the beginning of Armageddon and the great tribulation, they will want to then focus on saving their own necks and they will want to read every word I've ever said. But it may be too late. I don't think in the final stages the internet will be up. It has already been considered by the President as potentially dangerous. So the time to see is when the light is HERE. I'm the light. Once the light is out, you cannot see.

    Now Jehovah's Day is a day of "thick gloom" and darkness, so the majority of mankind, like during the Flood, will die in the dark. They will know it's Armageddon and that's about it. They will perish wondering what happened and why are they dying since in their minds they thought they were so faithful. But I've been here. I've seen. I've preached. And I see who loves the truth and who loves the darkness.

    Now if you have not done your best to try to save someone, then you feel bad if they get whacked. But if you've tried and tried and tried and they just ignore you and don't listen and even argue with you, then you still feel bad, but you know you've done your best to save as many as possible.

    Ironically, when the majority start to pay attention, it means it is too late.

  • Comatose

    Lars, didn't I read you describing your life as a male prostitute who sang and danced as Diana Ross?

    The fact that you cannot see the immensity of the absurdity of your claim here is just amazing. How do you find time to type so many things on here every day? How can you think someone from your background would be promoted from human to Messiah?

  • mP


    Oh, so you are doing your own thinking. This is an odd position to take though, since the reference to Christ's body being represented by bread is a direct reference to the Lord's Supper. The bread he specifically said represented his body, and the wine his blood. So, thanks for the pagan history lesson.


    Of course im using some imagination but more of the facts from the matter match up with what i just said. There was no passover in Egypt, its a season festival. Jesus is remembering the life of spring(passover) and the death spiral(day of atonement) which is about the harvest.

    The fact is both celeberations are pagan, they both existed before jesus or the jews defined theirs. The focus on dates down to the day give us the starting clue.


    t is, interesting, however, that indeed, the seasons were important to the Jews and they went by the LUNI-SOLAR year so that the times of harvest would fall near their festivals. Even so, again, there were two wave offerings of first fruits, one on the 16th of Nisan and the other 49 days later on the day of Pentecost.


    We can see from the festival of fruits that it was definitively a spring festival, which got updated. The problem is they had a dodgy lunar calendar. Too bad Jehovah didnt fix that, being accurate helps a nation have a better growing season.

    Thats why the zodiac is so focused with elements about the seasons. Taurus is the season of baby cows and bulls, Aires is about the sheeping season, LIbra the harvest, Leo the Lion is the middle of the summer and so on. The zodiac was an attempt to predict and measure when the seasons were coming.

  • LongHairGal


    Thank you very much for saying what I was always thinking to myself way back when. I mean: who gives a sh#t about a day for a year and all that other garbage. I felt there was a sense of competition to see if you could keep up with all this. I found it annoying.

    I also didn't give a hoot about New Jerusalem, the Jerusalem above and typical and anti-typical. I never accepted that it should be my problem to decipher all this and be made to feel my life depended on remembering it all. Was there going to be a written and a final exam?

    The JWs acted as if they were so special and imagined they had some special insider knowledge with all these little nuggets of doubtful value. To me this was about as valuable as being able to recite how many rivers there are in North America or the capitals of the States. Which is to say: who cares?

  • humbled


    Just in from 1st long day of cancer treatment, skimmed the comments and LAUGHED MY CANCEROUS ---OFF at your comment.

    Bottom line for me on this "taking in knowledge" of this stuff was I was s'posed to get the accurate studying done and nurse a baby, do laundry (outdoor wringer machine-funky at that), raise-at that time-5 kids, and help my husband on the farm AND show up clean for meetings miles away.

    I had a hard time with doctrines that made me responsible for all this and that study, formal field service stuff.

    Now I wasn't as bad off as a lot of people on earth, but I saw the hierarchy implied in a world based on superior knowledge instead of love.

    I just love how you said it, Girl!

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "The JWs acted as if they were so special and imagined they had some special insider knowledge with all these little nuggets of doubtful value. "

    Spot on Long Hait!

    Every cult must clain that they have some unique knowledge/information that makes the cult representing the TRUTH.

    Humbled...nice to hear you can laugh at it, even when you have a hard time.

  • LongHairGal




    I am glad I made you laugh! This religion just heaped heavy burdens on everybody, and I am glad to be out of there.

    I wish you all the best with what you are going through and I hope to see more of your posts!

  • Pterist

    Lars **** I end up having to have sex with both men and women. So it is very difficult to claim "Im the true Christ" in person when everybody around me knows I have lovers and am sexually active. That's the "chasm" that has been created. So even if the WTS wanted to publicly explain the scriptures and correct the timeline and then point to me as the Christ, they can't, because no one will accept me as the Christ if I'm out there giving blow jobs to half the men in this town (well, it's not really that bad, but it involves more than one man, plus at least one woman).******

    Heb. 6:4-9 reads:

    For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God, and put Him to open shame. For ground that drinks the rain which often falls upon it and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled, receives a blessing from God; but if it yields thorns and thistles, it is worthless and close to being cursed, and it ends up being burned. But, beloved, we are convinced of better things concerning you, and things that accompany salvation, though we are speaking in this way (NASB).
    You need help Lars ....

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