If the topic is of interest still--I am up for talking!
Why do I give any weight to second-hand Jesus stories? I have observed that there is a nub of reality at the base of most stories. So much so that the most pernicious lies are almost always built upon a fact, a truth.
When I look a the broad tendancy of a happy creature, with a healthy family, in a secure community it is impossible ignore patterns that repeat themselves. I see repeating patterns in the reflexive teaching of Jesus: love your neighbor as yourself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. My take away is that there is something behind this that I cannot know absolutely--and words, mP, are in short supply to describe. Yet, once anyone sticks a word, a label on that SOMETHING, the wrangling begins and you are likely to be stoned or burned at the stake for thinking about it yourself.
It is hard to consider Jesus and who he is-or was-apart from our indoctrination. We all have our prejudices-can't help it. Who in recent times got to meet him at a wedding feast? Or fishing? Or the like? Of course whoever first told us a Jesus story told us with a little bit of spin-- I heard about Jesus as a little girl through the lense of Catholicism. Catechism. Indoctrination. Hard to shake it.
But maybe Jesus was not so hide-bound.
Jesus is reported to have said at John 7:16,17 "Jesus then answered them, and said, 'My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me. If anyone wish to perform his will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is from God, or I am speaking from myself.'
I accepted the invitation. It is free from formula and lets me acknowledge or not whether I think there is anything to it. AND it prevents me from creating a RELIGION of my experience. I can only invite others to do the same. No bow-beating.
Because it is relevant, if you like the letters that led to my leaving/expulsion can be accessed through this forum. At the "search" box write: How I left Jehovah's Witnesses/MaeveCourteau. The Bethel response is included.