Jesus didn't care about chronologies and bible knowledge--why should we?

by humbled 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • snare&racket

    The bible is a collection of historical scrolls by the Jews of course there is historical information in it!!! You expect historical scrolls to have correct information it it. You don't expect books from god to be riddled with contradictions and false information!

    The Quaran has historical information in it that is true, so does Shakespeare... It means nothing that there is historical information in the Jewish scrolls collected by the Catholics to form a bible. However the fact that there is mistakes, contradictions and misinformation is significant.

    I could write the news from today on a scroll then add a paragraph endorsing the power of coca cola enemas..... The fact that the news happens does not authenticate my fizzy fantasy!

    BUT when a book claims to be divine and inspired by the god of the universe, you expect no contradictions....

    check out a few for yourself...... I love this video :D

  • snare&racket

    Double post .... Sorry x

  • humbled


    I think Jesus would agree that there were some contradictions in the scriptures. He pointed out a problem at Matt. 19:8.Just because a thing was written on a scroll, I don't see that Jesus thought that certain practices of his fellow Jews remotely reflected God's love. Not at all.

    I'm not too good at coaxing things out of my computer. I couldn't get the video to work :<

  • snare&racket

    Rage? Does that opinion of me fit in with your perspective? Let me guess... Bitter ex Christian? Come on, at least be original! However lets cross out the word rage and replace it with informed. That doesn't mean I am special or clever, I just read the scrolls you are talking about.....simple...and I am sincerely shocked at your interpretation of those,very same words I have read.

    Rage? I am lying in bed at 6:45 am, radio on, coffee and toast, about to go into surgery at the hospital I currently work at. I left religion for science and evidence, i swapped some disgustingly immoral scrolls for text books and journals. I have replaced "love they neighbour" with dedicating my life to healing, helping and saving lives. No more indoctrinating people into organised religions and pretending that saves them! I have swapped ministry for medicine and i know having seen both used, which one actually works.

    Rage? With regard to what I want from life, my life is good, it has never been better. Why would I be in a rage? In my bed on my ipad lol.....

    Rage?mNobody can read those,scrolls and not find fault, unless they are covering their eyes......that doesn't make me angry, it makes me sad because I did that too.

    I apologise if i appeared to have rage, I assure you I don't, maybe a little frustration.......that obvious frauds that claim divine inspiration are self evidently fraudulent. Maybe my frustration comes from knowing I once fell for it too.

  • snare&racket

    Please try and watch the video :) but if your computer can handle posters, here is another amazing source of contradictions....a map of them....

    i appreciate your kind nature 'humbled', my question is sincere. Knowing the bible then is flawed why quote it even partially as if it is an authority on anything? Why suspect that the verses on jesus are truer than those evidently false?

  • humbled

    Sorry for a poor word choice. Though I don't see rage as out of place at times.

    Good for you--a doctor? I'm glad for doctors for certain. I start chemo and radiation a little more than a day from now. I love the healing arts.

    I am careful not to quench anyone's smoldering flax of faith or however that scripture reads... I, too, read of discoveries and biblical scholarship. It challenges old ideas of the scriptures but doesn't hurt my faith. There is something to the parts of Jesus story that slip past the heavy-handed paws of preservationists.

    I got kicked out for refusing to agree that God told Abraham to kill and sacrifice Isaac. I pointed out that, in the first place, the word used in Gen 22 was NOT the word for kill/sacrifice. That if God Had said it then he was a sly and cruel manipulator.

    There was no way to avoid a fire storm. All the letters from the first "confession" to the elders to the Bethel response and so on got posted a few years back. I am certain many see it as a WTF issue.

    I actually see that all this fiddly-piddly with doctrine, chronology and theology is not where Jesus was pointing us.

    I appreciate your honest posting.

  • humbled

    Hope to resume tomorrow, S&R. You are no doubt in surgery--

  • snare&racket

    So why did Abraham build an altar and tie Issac to it ? I assume you didnt have an issue with the translation of the word Altar? Speak soon x
  • mP


    THe other worry is how is it that Abra ham and Isaac knew their respective roles in this opera ? If Abraham followed God how come he knows how to sacrifice humans ? The sames goes for Isaac it would appear from the story he knows very well what his role is and the fact he should offer no resistance.

  • mP


    We are such egomaniacs in the main . I would think less of Jesus if he HAD written anything down--our human vocabulary for spiritual things is pretty crappy.


    Im sorry the last half of the statement is untrue. Its reasonab ly easy to write down what you mean. Our entire society would collapse if that were not true. We buy foods and other goods based on what the labelling says. I have never heard of someone buying a carton of milk and actually receiving plant fertilizer. On the other hand the biggest liars are religious types who will read a peice of text and will then tell you a totally different meaning.

    NEarly ever Jesus reference in the OT is like this. Theres no Jesus in the OT but the woman in Gen 3 is Jesus, Michael in Revelationi s also Jesus, but hes got a different name for some undetermined reason. The word in John is also jesus except here he has another identity. Matthew also tells us that Jesus was called Emmanuel and that is a prophecy and yet no where in any gospels is he called that. If thats not down right lying i dont know what is.

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