Pterist: I wouldnt trust Pauls opinion on any matter. This is the same guy instead of helping the run away slave in Philemon tells him to go back for more punishment to his chrsitian master. Paul is a Roman stooge just like jesus and his pay your taxes and keep your slaves.
ROFL! Pterist, you remind me of Satan a little. You find fault with every little thing. Nag, nag, nag. All negative. If someone goes to help a rich lady across the street, you'd say they did it in hopes of getting a reward. Or is someone gives a lot of money to charity, you'd say they did it for the tax cut or publicity. Always negative.
Satan blames God for making him so beautiful and that is what caused his downfall. But maybe that is partly relevant. I kind of understand that emotion. If you're really pretty, you have more power than the average person who does not have those looks. Beautiful women get the best offers. They even get worshipped to an extent like in the Miss America and Miss Univese pageants. So beauty complicates things as does wealth. Also people who are very brilliant and educated are respected. We genuflect to doctors and lawyers and judges, those in high position. And, again, anybody with a lot of money get that extra respect.
Now on the universal scale, this is a lot of debate and nit-picking and all that. It's time consuming to go to trial on every issue tht is brought up. So even though Jehovah has allowed a period of time for Satan to influence the world so we could see the result, the bottom line is that all that nit-picking is allowed for a short time. God is simply not going through all that silliness.
So here's the bottom line. The last word to Satan from God is that of a sculpter to a piece of clay. The clay must be molded based on what the sculpter's purpose is. But here Satan is, deciding he wants to be whatever he wants to be and not what the sculpter wants. So what is the result of that? The sculpter throws out that clay. End of story.
So when presented with what developed with Satan, in order to get rid of Satan, legally, and to avoid all the jive complaints and "frivolous lawsuits" just on technicalities, God decided to simply kill off EVERYBODY! Every was sentenced to death from the least of mankind to the greatest of angels, including his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. To get rid of Satan, the angels and the elect and Christ were glad to die. But this shuts Satan up. If an edict from God, the Creator, is that all creatures have a limited lifespan, like an animal or a plant and then must die, what can he say? That is how God designed it. He created things to have a temporary though glorious life and then die. He made his creatures MORTAL.
On the legal side of things, something Satan is an expert at, God was well within his rights to do so. So without judgment or bias or preference, everybody must die once. But guess what? God can bring back anybody he wants after they die. He can bring back his favorites and whomever he wants to. He also does not have to bring back anyone he doesn't want to.
So Satan is like someone in a month-to-month rental condo, who ha a zillion complaints against the landlord and is about to sue him in court for all these little things and tie up the courts for 1000 years in frivolous lawsuits. But, since he is on a month-to-month lease, all the landlord has to do is simply terminate his lease agreement at the end of the month. Then the issues involved with the condo become instantly irrelevant.
You see, without LIFE, there is nothing. In God's universe, life is not a right, but a gift! For those who don't appreciate that and don't want to comply with God's standards, that gift is revoked after a short lifetime. But for those whom God likes, he brings them back after death and grants them eternal life.
What can Satan say? Not a damn thing.
So ultimately, it is really not necessary to take issue with anything Satan has to say or promote or claim or nag about. Satan doesn't even have to be condemned. That's because he, like everybody else including Jesus Christ, are mortal and must die at least once per God's decree. Does God lose out? Well, it's painful to see the death of those he loves, but in the end, since these come back to live forever with him, God gets what he wants.
So you see, free moral agency was very important, giving people and angels a choice. That had its need and value, but only temporarily. After everyone makes their choice, then those making the wrong choice are discontinued. Those making the correct choice are happier than ever.
So back to Paul. You're finding fault with Paul and Christ and the Christians and me. I can see that. But in the end, God will rule and so will I and so does Paul. So it's a POWER THING. Whomever has the most power can do what they want. So you don't like Paul? I suppose that is inevitable. But God likes Paul and that's the end of that.