Humbled: Lars, will the good news change with the 2nd coming? (sorry-that should be another post)
Humbled. I hear what you are saying. But don't you read your Bible.
I come not this time to bring peace, but a sword. I'm here to bring division. To separate the sheep from the goats. Have you not read this about Chrsit when he arrives. Or did you read that he comes to "shepherd the nations with an IRON ROD"? Did you not read that when Christ comes he will strike the nations with the long sword of his mouth? I'm here to make war and to clean up the threshing floor! I'm here to examine down to the minutest detail and cast out what does not belong in the kingdom.
See, I can tell between an imitation Christian and a true Christian. A true Christian is interested in chronology and anything else that's in the Bible. If not, they certainly don't tell others it is unnecessary and to ignore it.
This is about me choosing those who are going to be obedient and awake. Those who are focussed on kingdom issues. In the end, I will choose if I wish someone like you in the kingdom or not?
I'm here to separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep hear my voice and follow. The goats buck against chronology.
God has provided a specific means for salvation and you're ignoring it. The foolish virgins are the ones saying, "All we need is love, nothing more", but the wise virgins are saying, "Yes, we need love, but what about this chronology in the Bible? What about prophecy?" And guess what? Guess who gets into the kingdom? The wise virgins.
The difference between the wise and foolish virgins is that "extra oil", those things that seem "extra" to most, who want to do just what they want to do and ignore everything else. I don't need people in the kingdom who have arrogantly decided what they want to do and what they want to ignore.
This is why the "grapes of wrath" will be so abundant. Many will be rejected by me, because I can see they are not paying attention to what the Bible says, nor care what it says. So when you find later on that I've rejected you, then what will you say? "Yes, but I've done this in your name and that in your name!" And I will turn and say: "I don't know you. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!"
See what I'm saying? You're bucking against the very thing that will save you. The goats don't want to hear what I have to say and even tell me to shut up and stop telling others. It's amazing.
I need people in the kingdom who are interested in everything God has provided for salvation. Who are focussed and open to learn and eager to embrace the "extra things", eager to grow to spiritual maturity instead of holding on to the milk, so that when the meat comes along, it chokes them.
Be hot or cold. Lukewarm will not get it.
I'm here this time to find the pure wheat and to cast out the tares, the imitation Christians.
People who don't know and don't want to know aren't going to make it.
Now I'm very "good news" for some, the chosen, the awake. But I'm very bad news for the "goats" and the weeds in christianity who have decided for themselves how they want to worship without giving heed to what the Bible says.
"Good news"? I come this time with a sword and a rod, not to bring peace, but division. Is that not what the Bible spoke about me?