So the flood didn't happen.....

by snare&racket 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    The great pyramid of Giza was started 2584

  • Tiktaalik

    No, of course it didn't happen.

    The wts clinging to the literal truth of the flood account was the first thing that started me wondering about the veracity of the bible.

    For a good summary of all the geological evidence against against the flood read "Telling Lies for God: Reason vs Creationism" by Ian Plimer. Plimer, a professor of geology, examines all the geological evidence that proves there was no global flood. He examines all the claims made by people like nowwhat (above) and exposes them as completely bogus and without a shred of scientific merit.

  • jam

    Please correct me if my figures are wrong.

    Noah was estimated to lived about 2230 B.C.E

    the population in Egypt in 1250 B.C.E. estimated around

    3-3.5 million, just Egypt alone it doesn,t include other nations.

    Maybe if the men that was born after Noah was half rabbit, it,s

    possible they could repopulate the earth that quickly, but it would

    have required a lot of work.

  • mP


    Forget about 1000 years for Egypt to reach 3 million, Gen and Ex claim that the jews went from 70 to 3 million in four generations or 200 years depending on which scripture you read. Thats nearly 10 kids per woman ever generation. None can die which is quite an achievement considering mortailty back then. If one woman dies in childbirth before she reaches her quota her poor neighbours need to have even more.

  • mP


  • snare&racket

    Oh oh...... here comes some more EVIDENCE fresh from the lab printers....

    "New images confirm Big Bang theory

    The "map" of light originating from the dawn of time, captured by the £515m Planck space telescope, reveals patterns which scientists sayconfirm that the universe began with a Big Bang."

  • snare&racket

    Bro Mac,

    As you can see from the charts, all civilisations in history had no interruptions, no floods wiped them out, there was no discontinuation.

    The Jews wrote the history of the univers based on their small world in the desert, unbeknown to them the real human history. In there obsession of being chosen by god, created by god, they saw no further than their own fireside stories, ignorant to them being mostly stolen ironically from their enemies, who were much older than them. Anyway, they date Adam hundreds of thousands of years into human progress, right in the middle of huge civilisations and progress. They throw a global flood right into the middle of amazing technological advances that went on unhindered.... the inaccuracies and myth contiune.... and Jesus referenced these lies....

    Wherever the evidence lands, it lands. Hold onto your old beliefs vehemently if it majes you feel better. But these are the facts, this is the evidence and deep down, you are not happy, you know you are on the wrong side of the fence. Thats fine, we were all there once too. What changed... we just eventually got tired of making up excuses for the lies we believed in and became overwhelmed by that deep sadness within that is fed by every swaushed doubt, every ignored question and every fact laughed at.

    Snare x

    What an amazing time we live in, truth and evidence is available so freely, the control and self determination is back in the hands of the people.

  • moshe

    But there is a miracle we can see- The Jews keeping Passover for over 2500 years. The Jews are survivors unlike all the other contemporary religions and national groups of the time.

  • snare&racket

    Also note that most christians believe dinosaur were roaming the earth too, only to die in the flood...

    Again, slightly out of touch with the evidence....

  • snare&racket


    Hinduism is still alive and well and is older than Judaism, nevermind passover, a miracle ?

    Our 4th day is still called "Thursday" named after Thor, miracle ?

    Humans still refer to the heart when talking about emotions and thoughts, an ancient egyptian misunderstanding. Miracle ?

    Miracle = " not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine."

    Are you sure celebrating a story of the death of thousands of people but those that spilt blood on their house is a miracle?

    Also how do you know it was celebrated thousands of years ago? Scholars date the book of Exodus to the 6th century, during babylonian exile. Quite a long time after the supposed events within Exodus.

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