So the flood didn't happen.....

by snare&racket 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    The devestating eartquake that triggered the tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster was a magnitude 9 earthquake and the waves were caused by shifting of the ocean floor by no more than 50 ft vertically.

    Can you even begin to imagine what would happen if mountains were pushed up by even several hunderd feet? Let alone by thousands or tens of thousands of feet?

    You think the waves caused by a "mere" 50 ft shift that carried and threw around container ships like toys, you think those waves or even bigger waves caused by bigger shifts in tectonic plates would let a bronze age wooden box (not seaworthy, but that's a different problem alltogether) still float around?

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Miz, stop yanking our chains, will ya

  • MrFreeze

    HOLY COW! With no evidence of the Flood and no evidence of the Exodus, that throws two books of the Bible out the window. What should we do with the rest of it then?

  • snare&racket


  • MrFreeze

    no snare&racket, you are so wrong you are embarrasing yourself. We should completely devote ourselves to the rest of it because clearly it gets all of the lies and BS out in the first two books. The rest of it is pure unadultered truth. Get with the program.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thats a good point snare...there is no big gap in the time line is there? That flood must just have been an isolated puddle.

  • snare&racket

    History itself proves the bible wrong. Science proves the bible wrong, the BIBLE proves the bible wrong....

    Notice how quiet this thread is........ No Christians, no contrary answers, (just one abusive message.)

    They may look at the post, may examine the timelines, may add a post with a made up excuse....,but for sure in 3 days they will forget it and continue believing the story of Noah. That's how easy it is to lie to oneself.

    This is not an attack, this is not me trying to get one over on people that believe the bible. I take time out of my day to do this because I wish someone had shown me this information. If this thread feels like a personal attack, maybe you need to ask yourself why.... Its just a map of human history. Why does that upset you??? Why are you not jumping out of your chair with a "WOW! Wait a minute, this is interesting!"

    i may have been reduced to one thread a day (the cost of being a skeptical scientist on this forum) but i will try to use it wisely, hopefully inform a brave passer by looking for answers..... having had enough of evidence-less excuses.

  • snare&racket

    Forgive me Mr Freeze, I will read and thrive on the other 64 books chosen by the Catholic Church....

    I assume there are no more mistakes........ Right?.......

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    History itself proves the bible wrong. Science proves the bible wrong, the BIBLE proves the bible wrong....

    But snare...the BIBLE says the bible is true. must be...

    The bible says god is must be! The bible says Jesus is going to save it must be true. The bible says....well...whatever you want it to. And....ITS ALL TRUE DAMNIT!
  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I agree MrFreeze...snare needs to devote himself to the other things the bible says...the bible says so. And if you don't believe the bible...the bible says you need to ask for more faith so you do believe......must be true, cause the bible says so

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