When Jesus spoke about the flood, how does anyone know that he meant a GLOBAL flood? Surely a localized flood is still a catastrophe. Remember the flash-flood that wiped out an area in Arkansas, USA a couple years ago? The waters rose so quickly that there was no escape. So a flood is a good example of being caught with your guard down. It's a pretty good example of what Jerusalem had to look forward to.
So the flood didn't happen.....
by snare&racket 65 Replies latest jw friends
Does the account say it covered the tops of the tallest mountains?
That has to be a global flood.
What did ALL the ancients believe that caused earthquakes, hurricanes, lighting and thunder, devastating floods. etc.
Human ignorance is fact, if you don't believe that then you sure have your head clearly up your ass deep.
These ancient people told stories embellished to create power and relevance to their god(s) another known fact.
Some were told in textual writing and some were put on to stone engraved as pictographs.
Gen.7:19 " and the waters prevailed so mightily upon
the earth, that ALL the high mountains under the WHOLE
heaven were covered".
heaven, you think the bible is absent of hyperbole? How about building a Godly motivation AFTER a catastrophic flood?
Hi jgnat.... I personally do not think the bible is absent of hyperbole, however, there are people who do. I personally do not believe in God so I think the motivation is a human one.
Many people are moulded from birth to believe the Bible is literally true. I was one of those children. My parents believed this. Their parents believed this. I have adult friends (non-JWs) who believe this. I now know I was misled. I know this because of the splinter in my mind... things didn't sit right with me. I had to dig more, investigate, educate myself, and to research. Not everyone does this when it comes to the Bible. They just blindly believe.
So, if a book is being served up as the inerrant word of God, it better be. Or God loses his cred.
In my opinion, the flood story is just part of the overall agenda to frighten people into converting.
mP, it does say the waters covered the highest mountain, but Ray deals with that in his essay, what I cannot understand is that people are arguing against the truth of the story from a an ex-Bible-literalist point of view, they have not grasped that to understand what the writer of ancient texts actually was saying you have to take into account his knowledge, theology, the political/religious situation of his time, his agenda and a hundred and one other things.
But it doesnt say the highest mountains in the WHOLE world, you are assuming again that it is. If the flood did cover the whole world, it shoul dhave gotten stuck on the Himalayas not the ranges of mountains that includes Arrarat.