Mr Freeze, I am no apologist for the Bible, it is full of errors, mistakes, contradictions and an awful lot of very poor quality fiction.
But I just like to see people use fair argumentation, otherwise apologists can shoot you out of the water. I base what I said about the Hebrew of Genesis allowing for it not to be a Global flood, and therfore not necessarily wiping out all mankind, on an article written a few years ago by Ray Franz.
I have the greatest respect for Ray, and the kind of honourable loving man he was, I do not go along with all the argument in his essay, I think he is stretching things a bit, in his desire to still view the bible as the word of god. But he does argue well that Genesis, if read properly, does not have to be taken as entirely an allegory.
The essay was available on-line via Commentary Press, I am not sure if it still is.
mP, it does say the waters covered the highest mountain, but Ray deals with that in his essay, what I cannot understand is that people are arguing against the truth of the story from a an ex-Bible-literalist point of view, they have not grasped that to understand what the writer of ancient texts actually was saying you have to take into account his knowledge, theology, the political/religious situation of his time, his agenda and a hundred and one other things.
Once you know how to read such texts, then you can begin to see the real problems with them, and not pose false problems which were not in the writers mind in the first place, i.e a world-wide flood in the geographic sense we understand it.
The Bible cannot mean now what it did not mean then.