So the flood didn't happen.....

by snare&racket 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I feel sorry for all of you secularists that have allowed yourselves to be blinded(2 Cor 4:4) and have your hears tickled(2 Tim 4:3) so that you may continue in the wreckless hedonism of your father.-2 Cor 11:14 You just believe what you want to believe and think you won't be held accountable.

  • snare&racket


    There is but a story from Sumeria, the story of Gilgamesh. This flood story is where the genesis story originates (8 survivors, animals on a boat etc.) it is thousands of years older than the bible. The story describes a rich merchant building a boat and putting all of his animals and 8 family members on board in order to, survive a local flood. It lasted 40 days and nights. There are also giants that roamed the earth (made of stone) and he also sent out birds to see if it was over. It is a very fictional account though may have had some measure of original truth.

    Though it may have happened there is no 'evidence' other than the story. There was seperate writings about a flooding of the local plains in this time period so some believe it may have happened then....or the story was fabricated then. Either way, its no global flood.

    Humans have always by enlarge settled along falt lines in the tectonic plates as this is where rivers form, soil is good, animals thrive etc. these areas are also ripe for flooding and earthquakes. Of course there are flood stories from around the world, there are flood stories that happen today. But there is only ONE story of a global flood, that being the one of Noah, believed by followers of the bible and the Quaran.

    The society fabricated untruths out of facts, implying there are an abundance of global flood stories , in truth there is an abundance of flood accounts globally, I.e. civilisations from all over the world throughout history have had floods and written about them. Sneaky devils in Brooklyn!

    Gilgamesh Tablet ten: he has just killed some giants and was about to build a boat because of the gods plan to flood the earth....

  • nowwhat?

    im sure there were mountains before the flood justnot as tall.. besides didnt jesus mention the flood? then jesus lied.prbablythe answer is it wa notglobe encircling typing with iphone

  • snare&racket

    That the best you got theocratic sedition? ...... I wish all those years ago, when I was being indoctrinated someone admitted to me that there was no evidence, no counter evidence to historical fact... Just a sarcastic unpleasant threat of future punishment based on a book that is clearly proven untrue by the above evidence anyway.

    The flood didnt happen.... No punishment, no accountability.... So back to square one Theocratic Sedition

    As for your bizarre and threatening comment, let this lovely lady explain how wrong your perception of atheism is.........

    "If only I wasn't an atheist, I could get away with anything. You'd just ask for forgiveness and then you'd be forgiven. It sounds much better than having to live with guilt."

    keira knightley

  • snare&racket

    Now what,

    You appear to be just making sh*t up. Ignoring the fact you have not explained how a flood that made Everest taller did not make even a dent in human civilisations (see the opening posts and discussion going on around you), where on earth is your evidence that mountains were smaller ? That then there was a global flood and made them a bit taller ? What on earth are you basing that on? It isn't even in the bible....

    Humans have dedicated their lives to research for centuries so we could have the answers, there is not a need to make stuff up, its embarassing, it also helps people to SEE when people are making stuff up, which is also embarassing. Evidence..... Its all about evidence!

    If you want answers for real, go read the research and the textbooks. Thats all i did, seriously. it doesnt make you a fool to not know this stuff, nobody is born with knowledge, we all have to work hard to have it. If you want to make things up on the cuff, go be an improv comedian. maybe you dont realise but by saying the things you are saying,,which goes against all known science, history and evidence... you are saying to everybody "i know something the rest of the world doesn't know, something all the experts don't know." if you have the evidence, thats great! they will write books about you and name educational buildings after you! However.....if you are making it up......maybe because you want your religious scrolls to be true when evidence proves them false, then people will just ignore you.

    There is a plan C however, ignore all the evidence and make unpleasant threats on behalf of your imaginary deity of choice (see Theocratic Sedition for help)

  • cantleave

    TC - I don't believe what I want to believe, I did that when I was religious. I believe what EVIDENCE leads me to believe.

  • jam

    I will swear on the Bible it didn,t happen.

  • BroMac

    Snare&racket : thanks for this, but what am i looking at on the charts in your second post?

  • cantleave

    BroMac it shows uninterrupted continuity in civilisation. A worldwide flood would have wiped out that continuity.

  • BroMac

    THanks cantleave, I thought that is what it must be, but it shows the pyramids at 2500bce ish? Isn't that what the society put them at? I thought someone said the pyramids were 3500bce?

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