Marvin. You don't seem to realise that many here are acting on first hand information... what the AAWA themselves have said.
AAWA, J M____ E______, and me
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
Marvin Shilmer
- Is it foolish to put names on a website without permission?
wha happened?,
That would be incredibly foolish, not to mention immoral, unethical and perhaps criminal.
- Is it foolish to dismiss their concerns?
- Is it foolish to stand up and defend it when the Cartoon character himself hides?
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
- Is it foolish to deny facts that some members of AAWA have already admitted?
That would depend on whether the alleged “fact” is indeed a fact.
Marvin Shilmer
Drama cast around speculation and unevidenced assertion is mainstay for some of our dear JWN participants.
Have you read through all the threads Marvin? You should if you want the whole picture.
This reminds me of the beginning when AAWA was disparaging about what JWN posters were saying about the FB fiasco. Of course, the truth came out.
- Is it foolish to recommend that folks rely on firsthand rather than secondhand information?
Exactly the reason why the AAWA should answer the questions directly. This whispering campaign they seem to have decided on just adds to the doubt because now we're hearing different things from different people.
Where are the firsthand answers supposed to come from if not from the AAWA but right now, they just seem to have shut up shop.
Do you want me to research and provide examples of what I’m talking about regarding JWN gaffes? It’ll take considerable time to find its remnants. But I’ll do the work if you say.
Whatever you feel you want to do, I'm just honestly saying I can't remember but you can correct me if I am wrong. However, consider you may be wasting your time because even if you are correct, I still doubt that this compares so is unlikely to prove whatever point you imagine it will. And I fail to see how pointing hout any errors I may have made in 13+ years has anything at all to do with what the AAWA is doing right now.
Marvin: the more you post, the more it starts to sound like Cedars talking. Why is that?
Marvin Shilmer
“Marvin. You don't seem to realise that many here are acting on first hand information.”
I ask for evidence of claims made. Each one is free to share whatever evidence they want, including claims of firsthand knowledge.
The thing about firsthand knowledge is that it usually turns out to be verifiable. On the other hand, false claims of firsthand knowledge are often verifiable as dishonesty or foolishness.
So if someone is making their claims based on firsthand knowledge then let them say so, and then let them answer questions about it. In the end what is honest will turn up. Whether anyone cares at that time, who knows. But for those who do care, what’s true will probably turn up sooner or later, and credibility will then lay wherever it is deserved.
Marvin Shilmer
zed is dead
It appears that Marvin is the AAWA mouthpiece. It makes me wonder where else his mouth might have been.
Dagney, I am so sorry this happened to you. I know what a great person you are! We have mutual friends. xo
Marvin, that is a great reply. NOT. AAWA created their own drama. Some of us are just choosing to hold their feet to the fire regarding their actions.
Drama indeed!
wha happened?
Exactly the reason why the AAWA should answer the questions directly. This whispering campaign they seem to have decided on just adds to the doubt because now we're hearing different things from different people.
Doesn't help when the apologistst start PM'ing u, whining and asking why you won't line up behind them.
I love they way Marvin throws out statements, then demands that u present evidence to the contrary. It's like calling someon an idiot, then demanding they prove otherwise.
But honestly, this little word tussle with Marvin is just a minor side issue at best. The topic is AAWA and how they not only screwed it up for themselves, Innocent posters who were added and subsequaintly outted, and for the next group that will follow in the future.
Julia and Bo are administrators and claim their "adds" were verified, vetted, cleared....whatever its called. Niether of them set up their own "open" Facebook pages appearing to be AAWA either. Not excusing the choice to "add" people without giving them a choice to join but there are facts that set them apart.
Nope. Absolutely untrue. Please stop perpetuating false information. Julia force-added me and several of my friends without permission. When people complained, she said it was too much work to invite 1,000 people properly. She was extremely rude and snotty to the people who complained. It was very clear that she had no intentions of PM-ing people to vet them...otherwise, she would have just PM-d them and invited them properly without the force-adding. Same amount of work, without the unethical B.S.
Also, J Mason Emerson's 400 people were force-added to the official/"secret" AAWA page; not a separate page that he set up. The administrators of the official group allowed it and still retain those members. The official page is where Besty got that information from.
It’s your assertion. I’ve asked what is your evidence in support of it. If you have it then share it, if you can. Otherwise you can do like Besty essentially does and ask readers to just take your word for it. I don’t care. I’m just asking that you tell us what evidence you have that supports your assertion.
Her "evidence" is that I have not only said so from the beginning, in several posts, but also that I was visiting Dagney and staying in her home when it happened.
wha happened?
- Is it foolish to put names on a website without permission?
wha happened?,
That would be incredibly foolish, not to mention immoral, unethical and perhaps criminal.Straight from the horses ass