“Where are the firsthand answers supposed to come from if not from the AAWA but right now, they just seem to have shut up shop.”
AAWA has no burden to respond when and where other folks thinks it should. In your case, you know perfectly well from where to get firsthand answers on issues raised here. Anyone else has the same opportunity, that is if they’re willing and want to.
Regardless, as its told to me we can expect a statement directly from AAWA addressing things discussed here either this week or next, and probably this week.
“And I fail to see how pointing hout any errors I may have made in 13+ years has anything at all to do with what the AAWA is doing right now.”
Obviously I’ve done a poor job articulating my comments of JWN compared to AAWA.
I don’t think the mistakes of JWN are a mirror image of mistakes made by AAWA. Today we see a whole different culture of people on JWN compared to yesteryears, and particularly compared to the earliest days. Were today’s culture at JWN to experience today some of the things back then I’m sure plenty of stink would occur about it.
“Marvin: the more you post, the more it starts to sound like Cedars talking. Why is that?”
I don’t know why that impression. I can tell you this: if you have any clue where Cedars is from then you’ll know for a certainty I am not him when I treat you and the wife to dinner. My best guess is that you’ll find it easy to make the distinction at that point.
Marvin Shilmer