“Julia force-added me and several of my friends without permission.”
How did Julia force add you? Please explain.
I logged onto Facebook one day and started noticing posts from AAWA in my thread. I was confused as I had never joined any "Anti-Watchtower" group. I went to my notifications drop-down and opened the notifications window. In the list was "Julia Barrick Douglas added you as a member of The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists". The date was several days before I had logged in. I went to the group page and it listed Julia as having added many other names, like, "Julia added _____ (friends name), _____ (friends name) and ____ more people". I clicked the "more people" and recognized at least 30 names of friends. I think this was 4/3 or 4/4.
I looked at the number of "members" the group had and there were 1300+. I personally witnessed a post from Bo Juel Jensen saying something like "Over 1300 members already! Our growth is amazing; we've never seen anything like this!"
An argument had begun with Julia on the page about her force-adding people and she had said which I have already stated before, that it's too much work to PM 1,000 people and invite them. I was angry and left the group. I stewed over it for a couple days and finally decided to post here about it when I saw that Rebel8's post about being force-added had been buried.
I found it extra rude that Julia would force-add me, since she was coordinating the YouTube vide for Cedars and approached me on his behalf asking me to contribute a testimonial. I declined. So why was she mass-adding me with a bunch of others, to the group I already said I did not wish to participate in?
I was staying at Dagney's house and was talking with her about the situation and how not only rude, but dangerous I found it. She decided to log into Facebook and that was how she found out that she, too, had been force-added. Neither of us received any email notification of the fact or any invitation. Before leaving the group, Dagney personally witnessed Julia's defensive post sanctioning and defending the force-add method.
Now, if you don't mind, this has already been posted previously, many times. Who exactly are you that I should "prove" to you what happened to me and several others? Cedars and AAWA are already aware of this information and have been for a long time. Who are you to speak on their behalf? If they want to explain why their lies are so clearly contradicted by the evidence, nobody's stopping them from posting here. But I'm not gonna believe one iota of "leaked" information ("I'm on the inside and this is their story now. Never mind their various other official statements which turned out to be lies.")
Julia herself did not deny the information that Besty posted about who force-added people to the page and how many people. She merely took umbrage with that information being made public - it clearly contradicted AAWA's lies from their previous official statements. It clearly contradicted what they told Dagney when she contacted them. Before I was prepared to chalk it up to a mistake or miscommunication as they tried to figure out the sequence of events, but at this juncture...nope. They're lying to cover their asses. End of.