AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Simon
    AAWA has no burden to respond when and where other folks thinks it should. In your case, you know perfectly well from where to get firsthand answers on issues raised here. Anyone else has the same opportunity, that is if they’re willing and want to.

    Yeah that's been tried.

    And no, they don't have to respond but it gives a very, very bad appearance to people if they don't and it is incredibly damaging to their reputation so for their own sake they really should respond.

    I don’t know why that impression. I can tell you this: if you have any clue where Cedars is from then you’ll know for a certainty I am not him when I treat you and the wife to dinner. My best guess is that you’ll find it easy to make the distinction at that point.

    No, I know you're not him (or do I? Wait, what if I'm Cedars and this is all a virtual reality experiment?). I actually meant some of the things you are saying sound like they have come straight from him.

    By your own admission you haven't read everything so I suggest you do as they have already done this trick with someone else - given them information that they posted in good faith which then turned out to be wrong. Great for them: they aren't shown up to be lying and someone else gets the fall for their misinformation (not that people didn't see through it).

  • Tylinbrando

    Simple logic tells me that the majority of members "added" by Julia(and dont forget its says so under their name) had no clue they were going to be added nor did they give her permission to do so.

    It was stated previously that Julia did not want to contact each member she added to let them know she did because of the work and time it involved.

    That means the work and time involved to properly invited them to make a choice of membership was also not performed.

    I was added by Julia. I did not give her consent to do so. The difference is I DIDN"T CARE. It is HIGHLY understandable that many people DID have a problem with this.

    Thats why it MUST be rectified.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Did you really mean, you make up your mind on what you CHOOSE to read?”

    wha happened?,


    If you have something important you think I’ve overlooked I’m happy to read it. But I’ll not spend my day reading reams of material looking for something. If you want me to read something you feel important then point me exactly to it. I’ll read it and respond.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • fizzywiglet

    “Julia force-added me and several of my friends without permission.”


    How did Julia force add you? Please explain.

    I logged onto Facebook one day and started noticing posts from AAWA in my thread. I was confused as I had never joined any "Anti-Watchtower" group. I went to my notifications drop-down and opened the notifications window. In the list was "Julia Barrick Douglas added you as a member of The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists". The date was several days before I had logged in. I went to the group page and it listed Julia as having added many other names, like, "Julia added _____ (friends name), _____ (friends name) and ____ more people". I clicked the "more people" and recognized at least 30 names of friends. I think this was 4/3 or 4/4.

    I looked at the number of "members" the group had and there were 1300+. I personally witnessed a post from Bo Juel Jensen saying something like "Over 1300 members already! Our growth is amazing; we've never seen anything like this!"

    An argument had begun with Julia on the page about her force-adding people and she had said which I have already stated before, that it's too much work to PM 1,000 people and invite them. I was angry and left the group. I stewed over it for a couple days and finally decided to post here about it when I saw that Rebel8's post about being force-added had been buried.

    I found it extra rude that Julia would force-add me, since she was coordinating the YouTube vide for Cedars and approached me on his behalf asking me to contribute a testimonial. I declined. So why was she mass-adding me with a bunch of others, to the group I already said I did not wish to participate in?

    I was staying at Dagney's house and was talking with her about the situation and how not only rude, but dangerous I found it. She decided to log into Facebook and that was how she found out that she, too, had been force-added. Neither of us received any email notification of the fact or any invitation. Before leaving the group, Dagney personally witnessed Julia's defensive post sanctioning and defending the force-add method.

    Now, if you don't mind, this has already been posted previously, many times. Who exactly are you that I should "prove" to you what happened to me and several others? Cedars and AAWA are already aware of this information and have been for a long time. Who are you to speak on their behalf? If they want to explain why their lies are so clearly contradicted by the evidence, nobody's stopping them from posting here. But I'm not gonna believe one iota of "leaked" information ("I'm on the inside and this is their story now. Never mind their various other official statements which turned out to be lies.")

    Julia herself did not deny the information that Besty posted about who force-added people to the page and how many people. She merely took umbrage with that information being made public - it clearly contradicted AAWA's lies from their previous official statements. It clearly contradicted what they told Dagney when she contacted them. Before I was prepared to chalk it up to a mistake or miscommunication as they tried to figure out the sequence of events, but at this juncture...nope. They're lying to cover their asses. End of.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I must confess, I am the real Cedars. Please send more donations too as momma needs a new pair of shoes.


  • Simon

    Just read John and Cedars responses and then tell us if you think the AAWA have been honest or open.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Marvin/Cedars/yogi bear:

    You have received many invitations to read, and yet you don't. I can't make you read, nor am I interested in making you read. People who choose to ignore facts and details are just entertaining for me, just as you have proved to me today.

    Stonewalling seems to be your only defense. Most persons rely on truth.

    Enjoy your AAWA paradise. It's just another Danny Hazard type junk website that will only attract the fringe, and angry people who won't be reasoned with. If anything, you as the mouthpiece of AAWA have made a great argument to NOT support AAWA. Because it's very obvious that to them, the end justifies the means. And although one can have favor in an orginzation like that, one can fall out of disfavor just as quickly.

    No thanks on the kool aid. I don't care what color it is. It's still kool aid

  • talesin

    Marvin, why don't you give it up? You posted in good faith, re information you have been given by someone you obviously trust. There is no shame in backing down.

    We all make mistakes.


  • *lost*

    Tylinbrando - You failed to address my other points. Can you give the necessary information to my queries.


    Julia Barret Douglas - the face of the AAWA social club

    What if anything qualifies her as a suitable person to assist with victims/survivors of abuse.

    Edited to add:

    if you have volunteers/workers fronting this kind of group are they honest in their claims that they are also survivors/victims of abuse and ex-jws themselves.

    how would I know I can trust these people are genuine if i joined one of the groups.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Marvin if you haven't read the posts to see what was actually said - how can you make an informed opinion based on facts.”


    I take information as I get it. For sure I don’t take time to read everything published on this forum. I have a life.

    When you see or read something you want to learn more about then you take it upon yourself to do so. That’s what I do and I encourage that others do the same. If an assertion is made I ask its author for evidence. Either they have it or they don’t.

    Whatever opinions I form are based on information obtained from the source, or as close to the source as is attainable. I ask questions. Then I analyze what I see.

    As for AAWA’s systemic mistakes, no one here has asked that I enumerate all I’ve observed, and I’m not sure this is the place to have that discussion. As I told someone else here recently—I think Simon—what I have to say about AAWA I say to AAWA and what I have to say about JWN I say to JWN. I’m a pragmatist. I look for whatever approach is more productive to a good end.

    Marvin Shilmer

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