Isn't there an even more likely explanation? I.e they just made it up to deflect from everything else!
Yes because we have established that AAWA is comprised of liars.
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
Isn't there an even more likely explanation? I.e they just made it up to deflect from everything else!
Yes because we have established that AAWA is comprised of liars.
“I merely object to your expectation that we should trust sources who have proven they are not credible.”
It’s telling that you think I’d expect anyone to trust a source as you suggest. It’s like you haven’t comprehended a single word I’ve said.
1. What I would or would not trust is a wholly different thing that what I can or cannot prove.
2. You don’t seem to understand the value of corroboration or of weighing evidence from different perspectives.
All of my participation was for sake of me deciding for myself what happened and why, and then deciding when, how or if I wanted to proceed.
None of my participation was an attempt to make folks trust anyone at all, including me!
I’d expect someone in the counseling business to do a much better job understanding what people have actually said, not to mention what they’ve tried to say.
I’m not your enemy talesin. I’m no one’s enemy here. You’ve accused me of rude behavior, yet you lose no opportunity to say derogatory things of my person. I don’t understand behavior like that.
Marvin Shilmer
Oh man, I just knew sooner or later people were going to play this card. It's from the WTS playbook 101: "Look, we're being persecuted! Therefore we are the truth ..."
True dat, Simon. You can take the boy out of the KH, but it's not so easy to take the KH out of the boy.
I was added to AAWA's secret group by Julia as well without my consent.
if they keep shilling and lying about this I might start a support group - IWFABJ
True dat, Simon. You can take the boy out of the KH, but it's not so easy to take the KH out of the boy.
and you can take the JW out of the boy but you cant take the JW out of JWN..
Has JWN ever been hacked or attacked? You just stated it is constantly. But has it ever warranted action such as upgrading?
Security is a set of processes and practices, not a 'thing' that can be added but keeping servers patched and upgraded to protect against new threats is definitely part of that.
It's just part of operating a website and the constant background noise on the internet.
I like you Marvin, but you do have something of the DJeggnog about you...
My favourite is: "There's no 'me' in Team ... oh wait, look - there is."
Besty, IWFABJ, what does it stand for?
My guess: I was force added by Julia?