The defense of the AAWA reminds me of an excelent post made by Duncan some time ago. Here it is:
The meat of it is the following:
The writer said that the demeanour of the minister that day brought to mind a boy he remembered, back in his schooldays, who had been accused of stealing another boy's chocolate cake. In his desperation to bluster his way out of the difficulty, the boy put up a spirited and aggressive defence:
"First of all, there NEVER WAS any chocolate cake !
...And in any case, there's no evidence that the chocolate cake ever got stolen !
...And in any case, it wasn't ME who stole it !
...And in any case, he TOLD me I could take it !"
At the risk of labouring the obvious, the point here is that any one of those lines of defence might work, and be perfectly reasonable to plead. Stick with one line of defence, and you might lose the case, but at least you'll be left with some shred of dignity and honour.
But employing them all, jumbled together in a ludicrous self-contradictory heap simply invites suspicion, disbelief and ridicule. And rightly so.
"First of all, there NEVER WAS any chocolate cake ! (NO one added any names)
...And in any case, there's no evidence that the chocolate cake ever got stolen ! (Prove that someone added you without permission)
...And in any case, it wasn't ME who stole it ! (It was others not affiliatted with AWAA, they also set up another Facebook page)
...And in any case, he TOLD me I could take it !" (These people are on other Ex JW page, so why are they whining about this one?)
And the comaprisons go on and on and on.......