AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • *lost*

    Chase that tail puppy............. ha hahahhhaaaa

    Avoidance avoidance avoidance.

    About as much use a stain on the sheets. Hilarious.

    the village idiot and the court jester are so entertaining.

    Verbal diahorrea is so off putting.

    Oh Lord it is so funny.

    BRING ON THE CLOWNS ..... we've had the dancing dog.

    This is great entertainment.

    I love it when the mighty get knocked in the gutter ... where they belong.


    Not this fools merry - go - round.


    smacks in the face or real victims.

    edited to add: oops - have I insulted anyone.

    different culture here, we tel it like it is. Whats definition of insult.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I'm not sure how one would prove that they were unknowingly added to a FB group.”


    If a person’s evidence is their own firsthand account then that is the evidence they have to offer.

    The start of proving a claim is sharing whatever is the actual evidence, like you just did about your own experience.

    Earlier in this discussion another poster named fizzywidget kindly provided a firsthand account with sufficient information that I could question AAWA with a good degree of specificity. Specificity is a powerful tool. The incident related to be by fizzywidget was essentially confirmed.

    For me, that proved that some folks were added without their permission to a Facebook account.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Angharad

    I know emotions are running high but really people there is no need for personal insults !

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I am glad you are getting off on your mock investigation. You certainly put the "Shill" in Shilmer!


  • RayPublisher


    I appreciate your grace under pressure in dealing with this minority on JWnet that are perpetually on the attack.

    Your blog and longtime efforts here have not gone unnoticed by many hundreds (thousands?) of us. I do not feel you are an apologist for anything, it seems you are just sticking to your beliefs and point of view. In life there are some that build, but always more that prefer to tear down.

    Regardless, I respect all opinions on this topic and have no animus towards anyone here...this *love/hate AAWA* debate just ain't important enough for me to get too incredibly worked up about it anymore.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer



    I appreciate all the helpful information shared in this discussion and very much thank those responsible.

    What I see now is needless heckling. It neither needs nor deserves response.

    If anyone has a serious question feel free to ask. If I don’t see it please feel free to send me a PM letting me know what page its on. I’ll respond.

    I’ve been asked who with AAWA I’ve corresponded with. In the last week or two it’s been Richard and Cedars on different occasion. Here and there a few other AAWA volunteers have contacted me, or at least I think they are AAWA volunteers. But Richard and Cedars are the most notable. What I've shared is what I've distilled from these conversations.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    At least a stain on the sheets has DNA.


  • Simon

    Yesterday a poster named fizzywidget kindly shared sufficient details for me to make a precise inquiry to AAWA regarding its use of Facebook. I made prompt and frank request to AAWA leadership of this information.

    I’m told there is no reason to disbelieve fizzywidget’s account of her/his, Dagney and Rebel8’s experience. To be sure, this is an admission regarding the “force add” thing and also what was apparently some behaviorally unexpected response from an AAWA volunteer. I could use the term “rude” but characterizing human behavior is best left to those on the scene at the time. (I sense several hear think I’ve been rude when nothing could be further from my mind or will.)

    1. From what I’m told, there was apparently a misplaced presumption at work from the AAWA side of this incident, and therein lay a systemic flaw.

    2. Another systemic flaw at work was too much spontaneity among the AAWA volunteer staff structure.

    These two statements are my summation; not AAWA’s. Whether anyone there agrees or disagrees with this is neither something I’ve asked nor feel compelled to further inquire of. Based on evidence at hand I’m comfortable stating those conclusions.

    There are other conclusions I’ve reached and shared earlier in this and other discussions here regarding AAWA. Mostly these have to do with the sincerity of AAWA’s leadership, and for the most part they've not changed.

    I see mistakes they’d all like to undo, but I don’t see dishonesty at work. In addition to items above, it could be—and probably is—the case that here or there a volunteer skirted or attempted to mitigate something that was done. I don’t ignore this, but I do see it in view of my life experience and the then onslaught of volunteers and requests pouring in to AAWA. There were too few attempting response to too much too soon. Everyone meant well. Some bad things happened as a result when more of a response than anyone expected came pouring in. AAWA leadership and volunteers tried to cope.

    So, for anyone who cares to know, that’s what I see. I’ve offered recommendations to AAWA leadership. I’m waiting to see what comes of it.

    Finally, I think it sounds like they got the memo!

    That's good to hear and thanks for your efforts in all of this Marvin.

    Hopefully they can properly address the situation, put proper controls and procedures in place and we can put this all behind us.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    Nothing against you, but I do take umbrage at your remark above. Just as you hate the Watchtower, we hate the exact same conduct as they use for damage control when used by any other group. Here are the rules for being a good Ex-JW:

    1. Outing faders is the most heinous violation that one ex-JW can do to another.

    2. There are NO exceptions to Rule #1.

    Sorry if you cannot understand that. I am not here to just tear down; just as when you recorded your JC doesn't mean you just like to tear down everything. To generalize like that is offensive.

    Please re-read Rule #1. AAWA did this with no remorse.

    I am not anti-AAWA, except for their gross negligence. When someone is outed, it is like someone sticking a finger in my eye. And having a shill on this forum making Wachtoweresque inquiries pisses me off. That is what Marvin has done here. I am sure you were not upset with your "Investigation Committee," were you?


  • talesin

    Finally, I think it sounds like they got the memo!

    That's good to here and thanks for your efforts in all of this Marvin.

    Well, I don't know. Marvin clearly states " These two statements are my summation; not AAWA’s. " So, he is NOT speaking for AAWA. After this farce of an 'investigation', his opinion is just that .... the opinion of an anonymous internet blogger.

    When I see action and acknowledgement of their mistake, then I will know they 'got the memo'.


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