AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “In fact it now says the page is unavailable.”


    Thanks for trying. If you find a link and can post it here fine. Otherwise I’ll find it when I have time, assuming THE thing still exists.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • talesin

    In an earlier post I shared that AAWA responded to me about the incident provided me by fizzywidget, which also involved Rebel8 and Dagney. In concise terms I was told there is no reason to disbelieve the account. Based on this I have very solid reason to think others probably experienced something similar, if not the same thing.

    Yup. So we are to believe the overlords at AAWA, because they confirm. Oh, that is SOLID, coming from people who signed fraudulent legal documents. And if you want to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, just ask your friends in AAWA.



  • tornapart

    I was just thinking Mrs. Jones said she didn't know if there was any record of having been added to a group. On FB you can go onto your 'Activity log' that is only visible to you. You could see there if you were added to anything. Then get a screenshot of that. Just my pennyworth.

  • slimboyfat


    I think this is a link to the Facebook page. I thought it was the JWACTIVISTS own website that was taken down. Have both been taken down or what?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “So we are to believe the overlords at AAWA, because they confirm.”


    No. We have corroboration of fizzywidget’s experience shared with me, apparently now from sources that include myself. Not that anyone should believe a word I say. I am, after all, the anti-Christ. Right?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • jdub4life?

    The group was always set to "Secret." You cannot see it unless you were added or invited.

    I do not agree with the force join tactics that were used - at all. It is bad forum etiquette to add people to any group without first asking if they would like to be added.

    That being said, for the obviously facebook-illiterate folks here: You can only add your own facebook friends to a group, so anyone who was added was already affiliated with the exjw community on facebook in some way, shape, or form.

    Again, I disagree with the initial tactics used, but this witch hunt some of you are on is purely ridiculous.

    I would like to add that from my own observation, it does not look like JME is affiliated with AAWA. He is known as "crazy Joe" in the exjw facebook community, and anything and everything that he says should be taken with a grain of salt. Within the past few weeks, I have seen him steal AAWA's logo and use it on his own facebook group (I was personally privy to this, I saw it happen)... A few days later I saw him steal and alter a story that another exjw posted in a group and use it as his own. When I confronted him about this in his group, instead of acknowledging that he stole the story and apologizing, he deleted me from the group and blocked me.

    I am not speaking for AAWA, I am speaking from my own personal observations and experiences.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I think this is a link to the Facebook page.”

    Thanks, slimboyfat!

    I'll take a look.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • slimboyfat

    What you let take your breath away is not words AAWA said to me but rather a particular instance of me communicating what was said to me. Those words you cite above is my usage and not AAWA’s.

    Marvin I know those were your words. I am calling you arrogant as well as Cedars. I am not afraid to explain clearly what I mean. (Unlike you calling people peanut shooters, or whatever, and then not having the guts to spell out who and what you are talking about) Indecently spraying around words like "love" doesn't disguise your condescension as far as I am concerned. It may impress others more, I don't know.

    Not that any of that matters.

    Have you found out why AAWA didn't delete the Facebook page to protect people from being harmed? Has the site been removed because they have finally decided to do the right thing?

  • mrsjones5

    Ok I checked my timeline. It says I liked the AAWA fan page before I liked the video. I saw and liked video on Facebook before I ever knew there was a fan page. I didn't know of the fan page until Dagney told me she saw me there as a person who liked the page. I was even complaining on the board because I couldn't find the freaking fan page until Dagney gave me the link. This is screwy and strange because I didn't think it was possible for someone to like a FB page for someone else. I could be wrong.

  • RayPublisher


    I know you got my back man and I do for you...

    I agree 100% that outing faders is heinous.

    I disagree 100% that Marvin is a Shill though.

    And it's okay to agree to disagree sometimes right? As for my 3 inquisitors, I have forgiven them and even defended them when someone on YT called them horrible names. But that's my choice right? I don't feel like carrying around any more anger on my back it's too damn heavy!

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