I don’t think it’s that simple. I can’t hit a button and add you to anything. If I can, please let me know where is this button. I’d like to know where it’s at.
Something or things had to precede Julia “hitting a button”. This is what my question is seeking.
Marvin I think this comment you made way back on page 8 pretty much sums up your whole contribution to this thread: you just don't know what you are talking about. Julia and others did simply hit buttons and added people to the AAWA facebook page without their consent. That is exactly how it happened. Your incredulity is not the profound put down you seem to imgaine, it is simply a mark of ignorance about the suject. If you don't know how Facebook works, and you don't care to read the threads where people explain what happened to them that's your problem not theirs.
You ask besty for proof as if it is preposterous you should be asked to "just believe" what he says about Julia adding 260 odd people. But the fact is that he is a member of the Facebook group, he has access to the information, others have confirmed that Julia and others added them, and when AAWA organisers objected to besty's comment they did not dispute the fact, but merely that he should not have posted it. All of which adds up to pretty substantial "proof" that what he is saying is true to any reasonable person.
Plus you have about seven or so longstanding board members reporting the same thing: rebel8, dagney, nicolou, fizzy, and the one who started the long thread about being excluded from a wedding and a couple of others I forget. These are all credible longstanding forum members with no discernable reason to lie. Their reports are independent, they corroborate one another, and there is no apparent motive for them to lie about what happened. Again this should be pretty strong evidence to any reasonable person that what they say is true.
You throw about works like evidence and proof but you show little understanding of what they really mean.