AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "I read the data set presented by lost, but I don't know where it comes from or what it's supposed to mean for lack of that context. Is there a reference to its source?

    Marvin Shilmer"

    I don't really think you are that outright stupid that you don't understand what it is about. So, have you bothered to read those post that *lost" refered to?

    If you like to piss people off, you are free to play stupid. Go on if it makes you happy.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    Lets talk about love for a minute.

    I really think that the threads that have dealt with the known outings on Facebook by the AAWA were an expression of it. I know that mine were.

    My ex-JW friends mean the world to me. When they are hurt, I am like a pitbull on crack. My RL friends on here know me for that. It may be a fault, but it is how I roll.

    To be referred to as part of a "peanut gallery" is condescending and demeaning. You were putting yourself above those of us here that have done the research ad nauseum on AAWA. So somehow your professions of "love" seem more like contempt for JWN members.

    If you had true love for those that were hurt by them, you would get off your lazy ass and research the information already provided to you in this thread. Why does it have to be reiterated to you when it is already available? Therefore the comments about your haughty attitude.

    And you wanting further proof from those that were hurt is pouring salt on the wounds. Therefore I thoroughly agree with Tal, that you are more interested in re-victimizing the victims. And why provide to those that outed you, more information to out you further? That is what Cedars tried to do on this forum, and many of the things you have said here mimick his comments.

    My contempt for Cedars only stems from his hypocracy and ego. I never had a bad thing to say about him or AAWA until the outing of faders. As you know, he is very protective of his own identity. Yet it is apparent that he doesn't give a shit about anyone elses. That inspires righteous indignation in me.

    So do your research. God knows you have done it on the Watchtower with your blogs. Use half of the effort you have put into that cause to educate yourself with the information that Simon provided you. That is, if you are as loving as you self proclaim.

    You could have done that in a fraction of the time you spent with your inane questions here!

    Until you do this, I will continue to be a snarky asshole to you, as that is all you apparently deserve.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Where I’m at… if anyone cares to know:

    Yesterday a poster named fizzywidget kindly shared sufficient details for me to make a precise inquiry to AAWA regarding its use of Facebook. I made prompt and frank request to AAWA leadership of this information.

    I’m told there is no reason to disbelieve fizzywidget’s account of her/his, Dagney and Rebel8’s experience. To be sure, this is an admission regarding the “force add” thing and also what was apparently some behaviorally unexpected response from an AAWA volunteer. I could use the term “rude” but characterizing human behavior is best left to those on the scene at the time. (I sense several hear think I’ve been rude when nothing could be further from my mind or will.)

    1. From what I’m told, there was apparently a misplaced presumption at work from the AAWA side of this incident, and therein lay a systemic flaw.

    2. Another systemic flaw at work was too much spontaneity among the AAWA volunteer staff structure.

    These two statements are my summation; not AAWA’s. Whether anyone there agrees or disagrees with this is neither something I’ve asked nor feel compelled to further inquire of. Based on evidence at hand I’m comfortable stating those conclusions.

    There are other conclusions I’ve reached and shared earlier in this and other discussions here regarding AAWA. Mostly these have to do with the sincerity of AAWA’s leadership, and for the most part they've not changed.

    I see mistakes they’d all like to undo, but I don’t see dishonesty at work. In addition to items above, it could be—and probably is—the case that here or there a volunteer skirted or attempted to mitigate something that was done. I don’t ignore this, but I do see it in view of my life experience and the then onslaught of volunteers and requests pouring in to AAWA. There were too few attempting response to too much too soon. Everyone meant well. Some bad things happened as a result when more of a response than anyone expected came pouring in. AAWA leadership and volunteers tried to cope.

    So, for anyone who cares to know, that’s what I see. I’ve offered recommendations to AAWA leadership. I’m waiting to see what comes of it.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “The data are thread title, posters' names and their post numbers. Obvious.”


    Maybe that was obvious to you, but it was not to me.

    Thanks for your help.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I don't really think you are that outright stupid that you don't understand what it is about. So, have you bothered to read those post that *lost" refered to?

    “If you like to piss people off, you are free to play stupid. Go on if it makes you happy.”

    Dismissing servant,

    I don’t consider myself as “outright stupid” and am honest enough to ask questions despite how stupid those question might seem to others.

    If it makes you feel better to speak of person as you do, please feel free to have at it.

    In answer to your question, I have not had time yet to read responses today other than ones in this discussion. When time allows I’ll read what I can find. I’m still unsure how to navigate to the precise posts cited without clicking through each page of each indicated discussion and then making a visual search.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • jwmanager

    Bunch of blow hard whining babies over here.

  • Dagney

    LOL. It's a discussion board!

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I really think that the threads that have dealt with the known outings on Facebook by the AAWA were an expression of it. I know that mine were....”


    My usage of “peanut gallery” was not to said as an insult.

    I’ve spent lots of time researching the incident in question, but apparently not as much here at JWN as you and others. That does not make my work less. It just makes it less from one source.

    “If you had true love for those that were hurt by them, you would get off your lazy ass and research the information already provided to you in this thread. Why does it have to be reiterated to you when it is already available?”

    Lazy is a very presumptive characterization of my person, and particularly in relation to the matter at issue in this discussion. Presumption is fallacy.

    When a massive amount of information is available and there are specific questions to be answered then having precise bibliographic information is essential for an efficient use of time. My time is valuable to me.

    Here at JWN there is a mountain of information available on the subject at issue, but my questions were of specific incidents and evidence related to those incidents. I won’t waste my time reading through masses of information when asking for help finding it is an immediate option. I’ve asked and a few here were kind enough to help with specifics. I thank them.

    “And you wanting further proof from those that were hurt is pouring salt on the wounds.”

    I’ve not asked for “further proof”.

    I’ve asked for “proof”.

    I also asked and asked repeatedly where precisely the evidence I was looking for could be found.

    If this bothers you then my recommendation is that you stop reading it. Otherwise help where you can.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • talesin

    Since you are just an anonymous compiler of Watchtower data on some blog (yes, I've read it at times, it's a lot of work you do there) who has NO credentials, does NOT speak for AAWA, and is relying on secondhand information from people who refuse to take responsibility for their blunders, your statement of how you see the issue is, to me, completely irrelevant.

    And this rubs my fur the wrong way:

    I’m told there is no reason to disbelieve fizzywidget’s account of her/his, Dagney and Rebel8’s experience.

    Well, good for you and whoever the mysterious people who are feeding you information. As far as I'm concerned, and I'm sure many people reading this,,, both Dagney and Rebel8 are long-time members of this forum, and their word was NEVER questioned. I don't know fizzywidget well, but I also believed his/her account from the get-go.

    One good thing has come out of this 'discussion' - we all know a lot more about who you are, Marvin Shilmer.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    No matter was is presented, even admissions by the board at AAWA itself, it will never reach the bar you set for acceptable evidence. What you will do Marvin is eventually kiill a thread. Which is what the AAWA wants. It works for mother, so why not them?

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