AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • OnTheWayOut

    Okay, this is silly. I was not hurt by being force-added to AAWA. I removed myself before even knowing what AAWA was about.

    But for a person to have to go be grilled at AAWA for "them" to determine whether they were harmed or not is more than ridiculous, it's outrageous.

    If a single person being force-added resulting in something "anti" JW giving them trouble with JW family, then AAWA should have deleted the page. It doesn't really matter who added them to decide what should be done. Even if a volunteer member who had virtually nothing to do with AAWA added everyone, they should still simply have deleted the group and started over again with a closed group. End of story.

    Sure, they have no obligation to explain anything here or anywhere. But let us see how well that goes for them.

    There were some awesome people associated with that group, according to the video I saw. I wish them well, assuming they are still associated. I know at least one of them left.

  • Tylinbrando

    Talesin said,

    If you bothered to read the other threads, you would have learned that the group was "OPEN" for a time, and people were able to just add their friends. Perhaps you should gain a basic knowledge of Facebook groups BEFORE you start demanding that others explain it to you.

    I know that JuanViejo2 stated that the group was "open" for a time. That is not true. It was set to secret from the get go and I can prove that from my activity feed on Facebook. When a group changes privacy settings notifications are sent to members activity feed. There is never a security status change notification because the group always remained "secret" Check it out its all still there to review.

    Regardless of that, even "secret" groups can "add" members whenever they want.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    what I have to say about AAWA I say to AAWA and what I have to say about JWN I say to JWN.

    And yet you are on JWN, talking about AAWA, and defending it like life itself.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer



    zed is dead,

    Was this to the rogue AAWA Facebook account, or to either of the two “authorized” Facebook accounts, or to something else?

    Do you have any idea how this thing happened? I mean, other than assuming the worst of AAWA (not that I presume otherwise).

    Marvin Shilmer

  • talesin

    Whatever ..... you show a careless disregard for the victims of this fiasco by bullying them and demanding they repeat their stories to you on this thread, when all it would take is reviewing what's already been written.

    Oh, and I see you got in a 'plug' for your new article. I'm done.


  • fizzywiglet

    Exactly, OTWO.

    Juan Viejo, who is on their board of directors, already stated that he saw Watchtower apologists/potential moles who had been force-added to the group before it was closed up. He already stated that he saw individuals force-added who had no history of or interest in ex-JW activism. That means there are potential "outers" or elders already in that group who can see the names of all members. Gee, think they're gonna start making lists and turning over any faders they can find? Sounds like that already happened to at least one person we know of. He said that his elders have SCREENSHOTS of his name on that group, that he never consented to join.

    Since we know this is the case, there is no excuse for them to retain those members or require "proof" that people have been harmed. Potential for harm is already there, as well as the fact that people have already claimed to be harmed/outed. It is their responsibility to prevent harm, not make people "prove" that harm has already occurred.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I find it interesting that Marvin never really addressed my OP. That in itself shows that he is like a loyal JW, hands over ears saying LALALALALA I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Repeat their stories and then belittling them. Makes for a great social worker. Isn't that what AAWA is "attempting to do'? Social work for those who leave the WT. Wow talk about jumping out of the pan and into the fire

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    For sure I don’t take time to read everything published on this forum. I have a life.

    No one is asking you to read 'everything' published on the forum. Just the relevant threads. I can't see the logic where 'having a life' prevents you from reading the threads where these accusations you dismiss were originally aired, yet 'having a life' does not also prevent you from being in contact with several members of AAWA on the phone and getting into the deep of their story. It's painfully obvious which side of the story you are truly interested in.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Marvin tried #3 of the chocolate cake defense

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