“In Marvin's world of perfect logic, Supreme Court grade evidence and mathemetically sound proof, because I have made a claim that Julia Barrick Douglas, Jo Buel Jensen and J Mason Emerson added 800 people to a FaceBook Group, I now have to prove, with evidence acceptable to him, that the 800 were added without consent. The latter 2 words sneaking in somewhere - I have asked him where I said 'without consent'.”
When I first approached AAWA leadership about this whole matter I told them I had some precise questions and would accepting nothing less than precise answers in return.
This is how I work. Not in a subjective world of he-said-she-said. Not in a fuzzy world of “we meant this or that”. I wanted answers to questions and was not going to settle for half-measures.
When I first approached JWN participants on this whole matter I did the same thing.
This is how I work, folks. It’s how people work who want to find out what happened, why and what can be done about it if anything.
Besty asked that I evidence a burden that he prove a claim having to do with folks being added to a Facebook page “without consent”. That’s a very good question to ask! I answered it for Besty and it’s found on page 19 of this discussion in outline form. I have no idea how to link to it, but it’s my post 2594 for anyone who cares.
In answer to another of Besty’s questions, I’m sure when time allows I’ll ask more about this whole episode from AAWA’s perspective, including whatever is THE page everyone keeps talking about and if THE page has been hurled into the lake of fire to burn for at least a thousand years, or not.
Marvin Shilmer