AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Tylinbrando

    Again, Juan Viejo2 told me via email that Rick and Danny added names to the AAWA group. They most certainly do know they are there.

    Dagney, I believe you that this was told to you. What I am offering is proof from my FB account. No members were added by Rick or Danny that is being displayed currently. Maybe the members they "allegedly" added have been deleted.

    Regardless, none of this proves that Rick or Danny know that they were "added" to the group, because that is what it says under their names. Further, they both have a lot to say, and neither has offered anything to date.

    That is why I assume they may not know they were "added"

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    A lot of people told you it was the real AAWA Facebook-page! Please accept what people here tells you, don't act like ridiculous TV-lawyer trying to straighten things out. This was done days before you entered this thread. You could have bothered to read those other threads yourself.

    But, what are you trying to get to? That people here are misinformed and have made wrong conclusions? Or is this just a pathetic way trying to defend the AAWA by rejecting obvious evidence. Remember one thing, XJW's don't like being bull-shited.

  • bohm

    Besty: see there is this gene, and the gene make people love the smell of smoke. Unfortunately it also cause cancer, so despite all the positive effects of second hand smoke, it looks like there is a connection!

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "I could not agree more, and have said so to AAWA leadership."

    Excellent! And their reply was:......

  • Tylinbrando

    People have been "outed" by the Official AAWA FB Group and they have been "outed" by the Fan FB Page designed to look like AAWA.(which has been edited to separate itself from AAWA)

    This should help to streamline things for Marvin and maybe others.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “In Marvin's world of perfect logic, Supreme Court grade evidence and mathemetically sound proof, because I have made a claim that Julia Barrick Douglas, Jo Buel Jensen and J Mason Emerson added 800 people to a FaceBook Group, I now have to prove, with evidence acceptable to him, that the 800 were added without consent. The latter 2 words sneaking in somewhere - I have asked him where I said 'without consent'.”


    When I first approached AAWA leadership about this whole matter I told them I had some precise questions and would accepting nothing less than precise answers in return.

    This is how I work. Not in a subjective world of he-said-she-said. Not in a fuzzy world of “we meant this or that”. I wanted answers to questions and was not going to settle for half-measures.

    When I first approached JWN participants on this whole matter I did the same thing.

    This is how I work, folks. It’s how people work who want to find out what happened, why and what can be done about it if anything.

    Besty asked that I evidence a burden that he prove a claim having to do with folks being added to a Facebook page “without consent”. That’s a very good question to ask! I answered it for Besty and it’s found on page 19 of this discussion in outline form. I have no idea how to link to it, but it’s my post 2594 for anyone who cares.

    In answer to another of Besty’s questions, I’m sure when time allows I’ll ask more about this whole episode from AAWA’s perspective, including whatever is THE page everyone keeps talking about and if THE page has been hurled into the lake of fire to burn for at least a thousand years, or not.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    That's true, but the discussion about the security issues have been about the "real" AAWA Facebook page.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "Regardless, none of this proves that Rick or Danny know that they were "added" to the group, because that is what it says under their names. Further, they both have a lot to say, and neither has offered anything to date.

    That is why I assume they may not know they were "added""

    LOL! Is it possible that Rick Fearon hasn't said anything? I'm sure he doesn't know he is a member!

    Hey, Marwin, have a little chat with Rick Fearon...maybe he can tell you a litte on force adding.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Excellent! And their reply was:......”

    Dismissing servant,

    Adult discussion ensued.

    Whether they adopt my recommendations or not is yet to be seen. One person sitting on a Board cannot answer for the whole Board.

    As I said yesterday, my expectation is that some announcement is probably coming this week and no later than next week.

    Another piece of advice I offered was to abstain from hasty decisions.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Dagney

    Dagney, I believe you that this was told to you. What I am offering is proof from my FB account. No members were added by Rick or Danny that is being displayed currently. Maybe the members they "allegedly" added have been deleted.

    Regardless, none of this proves that Rick or Danny know that they were "added" to the group, because that is what it says under their names. Further, they both have a lot to say, and neither has offered anything to date.

    That is why I assume they may not know they were "added"

    Actually, Tylinbrando, I believe you as well. But it contradicts what an AAWA board member said to me. Credibility is important in life, and equally so when establishing an organization that is overseeing the sensitive nature of the information for its members and cause.

    I went back to the original annoucement thread and I saw even more misstatements. It's ridiculous. I'm not going to make it a big issue here, but it's still a biggie...and should not be swept under the rug.

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