AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • slimboyfat

    LOL Las Malvinas, you are making fun!

  • besty

    the question that dare not speak its name:

    @ Marvin Shillmore - Given your hotline to AAWA please simply ask Julia Barrick Douglas, Jo Buel Jensen and J Mason Emerson whether they sought consent from the 800 people they added.
  • Tylinbrando

    Tylin, I guess you aren't privy to the gang of 6 on this. Any and all admissions previously made are now null and void. The new policy is deny deny deny. Call everyone liars, praise the AAWA as if it were the only institution capable of taking down the WT, (as if any are capable), and wear everyone down with the same repetative slogans and straw man arguments. I guess you missed the memo

    I suppose I did! Without AAWA board members participating here everything that is stated is speculation and hearsay. Marvin has offered their admission of "outing" guilt, but again that is second hand. So its the same circle jerk of he said she said. I will offer facts based on my knowledge and evidence in my own Facebook activity log; such as confirming Besty's statement about JBD adding people without consent; such as AAWA always maintaining "secret" status on FB since its inception; such as Rick Fearon and Danny Hazzard NEVER adding anyone to the group.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    Spock you are not! And in a war of wits with Talesin and Besty, you are woefully unarmed.


  • slimboyfat
    Spock you are not!

    Indeed. One instance at least where the graitar seems curiously apt.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Ty, is Rick and Danny affiliatted with AAWA in any way?

  • Tylinbrando

    Honestly Wha, they are members but I seriously doubt they even know it. Gee, I wonder how that happened?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    "Firstly, I dispute your claim I made the 'without consent' statement. Now please provide evidence to your assertion that I used the words 'without consent' - the 2 words that your argument now hang on apparently."


    I wondered when you were going to notice this, and am glad you did.

    On page 3 of this discussion:

    slimboyfat asserted: “Julia Barrick Douglas added 263 without their consent.”

    I responded: “Says who?”

    Besty (that’s you) responded: “Me”

    I responded: “So what?”

    Besty (that’s you) responded: “You asked, and were answered.”

    When I checked the link cited by slimboyfat and you I found no instance of you claiming that Julia had added 263 “without their consent”.

    Yet you popped in and said my question to slimboyfat had been answered and that you were/are the source of his assertion. I don’t know where you said it, but according to you, YOU said it.

    In response to your remark quoted above, and still on page 3:

    I asked: “Are you suggesting that because you say “Julia Barrick Douglas added 263 without their consent” that makes the assertion true?”

    On page 4 Besty (that’s you) responded: “Yes.”

    You wanted my evidence that supposedly you made this mystery claim, and there is it in black and white.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Members of the group, or the ill fated fan page on Facebook

  • slimboyfat

    What a side issue. The overwhelming circumstantial evidence is that they were added without consent. And JBD has not even disputed the point, in fact she apparently conceded it in a post early in the fiasco. What a complete non-issue and diversion!

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