AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Tylinbrando

    The AAWA Social club has 170 members. i feel that this is indicative of the membership numbers that the AAWA Group page would have if they would "reboot" and not "add" people to the group.

    Simon I was added to the fake page and promptly removed myself from it. I wish I would have screen captured it. The group is now titled Jehovahs witness discussion.

    I think the fake page discussion should not be a part of this because AAWA has issues of their own despite that fake page.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Have you been told that the AAWA people did NOT add people to the facebook group? Because I have been told directly by the AAWA that they DID.”


    As presented to me, AAWA volunteers most certainly added folks to two Facebook accounts. But I’m told that none were added so that personal information was shared publicly. Is that what you’re asking me? If not, what?

    “And to be clear, stop with the "other groups / 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll" theories, we're only talking and concerned with the official AAWA group.”

    I have no idea why this hostility. It’s unclear to me whose complaining of what because so many—though not all—have offered ambiguity in response to requests for precision.

    My understanding is that three Facebook accounts were established and that only two of them were by AAWA volunteers working on AAWA’s behalf. Is the third unauthorized account what you sarcastically refer to as "other groups / 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll" theories?

    Among other things, I’m trying to figure out what’s overlapping what, and whether there’s anything to be salvaged in the aftermath.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Well now that Cedars has spent the good part of his day ignoring the wishes of those wronged, and just made up arguments as he went along, it's obvious that relatively few buy it.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “That doesn't make sense. If you want facts, you gather evidence. Not hearsay from your buddies who could tell you anything and put spin on what they want.

    “So you are not even qualified to have this discussion in defence of AAWA reallly. You do not have the facts. You have not looked at the evidence. rather your going around here in cirlces. And to be honest, it sounds like your just chatting sh*t.”


    In case you haven’t noticed, I’m here asking questions. From the looks of things, does it look like these questions are directed to my supposed “buddies”?

    If I were unconcerned about getting to the bottom of things then the last place I’d be is here asking questions in the face of this hostile crowd.

    If there is a particular fact you think I’m missing, what is it and what evidence verifies it as fact?

    Your final remark quoted above is very rude. I’m here for civil reasoned discussion.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “It's here. I started a FB group years ago …”


    Thanks. Your attempt to offer helpful information is much appreciated.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Simon
    I have no idea why this hostility. It’s unclear to me whose complaining of what because so many—though not all—have offered ambiguity in response to requests for precision.

    People have answered your questions and you seem to be then coming back to them with ever-so-slightly different questions and going round in circles on irrelevant issues that no one else is talking about.

    I am not being hostile with you, I am getting impatient and frustrated though that you are aggrevating the situation by coming across in a very similar way to Cedars did before he just buggered off and I am trying to inject some humour into the situation.

    The facebook group was mismanaged, why can't they fix it? Isn't that a pretty simple question to have answered? People have been asking all along - if people were added to a group and the AAWA weren't controlling membership as they should have been then why do they put people at risk instead of just restarting the group? Why have they made this whole thing go on for weeks when it should have been dealt with in minutes.

    As for what can be salvaged from all this? Really, I think the AAWA are past done and I don't think they could or should be allowed to tout for business and put volunteers and victims at risk if they are unable to manage things in a professional manner. Just look at what they managed to 'achieve' so far?

    Still happy to have a beer with you - beer supecedes all else.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Good point Dagney! Marvin should give us proof!”


    Proof of what? If I’ve said something here in need of proof, just ask. Lord knows I don’t have any trouble asking what I want evidence for.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • talesin

    In case you haven’t noticed, I’m here asking questions.

    When the answers are already here. Simon has compiled a link for all of us to peruse - all the information is there ..... but you are just too lazy to do your own reading, and want us to spoon-feed you............. once again, what makes you sooooo special?


  • talesin

    If you are trying to emulate the awesome H_S, and tie us up in knots, you are going to be sadly disappointed.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I forgot that you do not read.


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