They are using the same defense as the Governing Body.
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
They are using the same defense as the Governing Body.
Hopefully, it doesn't give people a come-back by using them as an example of "good people, good intentions, people make mistakes" etc... to excuse the orgs behavior.
Hopefully, AAWA will make the very necessary changes to set themselves apart from the Watchtower's methods of operation.
What a fiasco! Or to use a US military term, SNAFU (Situation Normal All F****d Up).
It seems to me that ego is playing an huge role in the correction of this mistake. I'm not one to cover up when I have made a mistake. Apologize straight-away, sincerely, and most folk will accept that. Therein lies the problem in this situation.
This is a group of people who were abused by a cult, and are newly exploring their freedom. They are ANGRY, and want to help others escape the clutches of this nefarious book publishing company. They made a mistake, in their passion to get started. Okay, that's understandable. You've made a mistake. Stop making excuses, stop the lies, and just FIX IT. This is the problem that I have with the administrators / board members, whatever.... be accountable,,,, be responsible ... protect the very people you claim you want to help.
It has been three weeks now. THREE WEEKS!
I know Zed, I know.
And I find the fund-raising efforts very disturbing .... lots of care put into the video and fund-raising, but not so much on SECURITY.
Come on, AAWA..... don't you realize how much support and help you could have, if you just back down, fess up, and work towards a solution? Stop being so high and mighty, stop pretending it wasn't your mistake,,, and you will have the support of many! We have skills, we can help!
Come on! I, for one, would love to see you succeed! But with this type of leadership, it's going straight into the toilet.
The number and the action has been acknowledged, albeit unwillingly. I don't understand the debate either. Put a fork in it.
Yup, exactly, Dagney. Juan Viejo already admitted in his official AAWA response that over 1,000 people were force-added without their knowledge. (Since Besty checked, it was around 800 added by the three main culprits alone...which wouldn't include anybody who chose to leave the group before the day he checked). Why are we arguing over extent, again?
I was just reading Simons thread about forum integrity from a month ago... and look what I found posted at the bottom of this page..... Headspinning post and Cedars reply to it.
Headspinning is this 'Julia'? that added loads of people because she couldn't be bothered or didn't have the time to invite individually.
So they obviously already knew about the dangers involved!! I just can't get my head round any of this. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all!
Wow, Tornapart! Good catch!
From that thread, Headisspinning/Julia:
The Ex Jehovah's Witness Recovery 3 Facebook group is being watched. We found that out last week when two elders showed up at someone's door telling her they knew she was participating on the group, as was her sister. They were looking to find a time to confront the second person as well. I guess we'll see what comes of it.
This website is much safer and more secure because of its high level of anonymity. On Facebook it's a whole different world and with new people joining just about every day, the likelihood of there being JW spies is quite high. The general consensus is LET THEM! Who knows maybe they will even learn something, but it does make some people pretty nervous and some are using fake profiles out of fear.
Hi headisspinning
some are using fake profiles out of fear.
If you're a fader or active Witness and you want to join anti-Watchtower facebook groups, surely a fake profile is a given?! I have two facebook profiles, one that's really me for my JW friends and family, and one that is my Cedars alter-ego. Even then, I'm paranoid when using Facebook.
Yeah; all of this jazz about "misplaced enthusiasm" in the "first blush" of newness is complete crap. They already knew it was a problem. They'd had the same problem on another Facebook page...and that was with somebody who presumably actually chose to be there.
“The extent of those that were added "without their consent" is overwhelming and not just isolated or few in numbers as Marvin suggests with is Doctor/Disease analogy.”
Respectfully, you’ve completely misrepresented what I wrote.
I have not suggested the extent is little or big.
I have shared what I’ve been able to confirm.
Marvin Shilmer
Maybe most of them inside the group love it and don't see that there's any problem...
Respectfully, you’ve completely misrepresented what I wrote.
I have not suggested the extent is little or big.
Marvin, you are correct. I apologize for making a generalization and assuming you believe the extent of "added without consent" members to be a small number.
You have been fair and analytical and allowed for a balanced discussion that anyone can view here on JWN.
I appreciate that very much and have only attempted to bring clarity to you and others by my observations based on the facts I can ascertain from my personal Facebook. Confirmation as well if you will.