Again, Juan Viejo2 told me via email that Rick and Danny added names to the AAWA group. They most certainly do know they are there.
I'm surprised that anyone would include these two individuals, in any organization that values it's credibility. From the fake picture posts of Rick, to the blasting of pepper spray on two JW's on his doorstep, including these two speaks volumes about credibility, or lack thereof.
A Simon stated, it's disintigrated in defining word meanings, which to me just distracts from the real question. Why won't AAWA acknowledge their errors, and stop blaming others for this clusterfuck?
I'll tell you why, because what was presented as a volunteer work, as a non profit, is really several dorks setting up a business, and careers for themselves. Cedar once mentioned making himself a JW activist as a career.
That's why there is so much noise from them initially. And since we "aren't interested in buying anything", they moved on to greener pastures.
We've all done favors for people, and when we get negative feedback, we walk away because we wren't doing anything for ourselves.
Now if one's income is on the line, you bet their going to put up a fight.
I don't know how much money they've been able to get out of people, and their "mission" is unclear at best. So any "donations" they have recieved will likely be spent on superficial, selfish issues. Although you would think they would have at least hired someone to create a decent webpage by now.