Besty: i see arguing with climate sceptics wasnt frustrating enough for you
AAWA, J M____ E______, and me
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
Besty: i see arguing with climate sceptics wasnt frustrating enough for you
Jesus Christ - are there any second-hand smoke doesnt cause cancer advocates out there?
Besty: i see arguing with climate sceptics wasnt frustrating enough for you
Well actually the jury seems to be out on that one.
Marvin Shilmer
“I don't believe that you are that stupid Marvin!”
Dismissing servant,
I’m unconcerned about looking or sounding stupid.
I’m very concerned with getting answers to questions I’ve asked, and I’ve gotten those answers.
When I engaged this discussion I had a few ducks in a row and was trying to get some answers to specific questions about those ducks for the very purpose of pursuing all this. At that time my understanding was there were multiple Facebook pages at issue. I tried and tried to find out precisely which page was supposedly THE page of concern. In the process I kept getting harangued about raising the subject of some “fake page”. Until I knew WHAT page was THE page at issue I had no idea which page was THE page and which was the supposed “fake page”.
For that matter I was unclear if there were three pages or more, or less! Until slimboyfat provided a link to THE page today it was still a mystery WHAT page was THE page.
If all that sounds confusing, think what it sounded like to me, the one who was trying to figure it out and getting barraged with insult for my trouble.
In all that time guess what else was happening? I have a little thing commonly termed “a life” that I was trying my best to live. Eventually I’ll probably learn more about this than I ever wanted or needed to know, but not in a day, and it takes longer when precise information has to be choked out one morsel at the time. But sometimes that’s the way it is.
Marvin Shilmer
If it's a secret group you have to be added by someone. The very existence of the group is secret to outsiders. You cannot apply for membership in such a group, as an outsider you will not even reach the groups Facebook page. Thus members have to be added. The problem is that some members added hundreds of people over one night. Probably by just clicking their friends list. This is the security problem.
This is true in general. However, it must be noted that administrators do not only have the option of "adding" members. This is arbitrary and requires no consent from the person being added.
Administators also have the option to "invite by email" members they want included. Those members then have a choice to accept or decline.
This was done in the AAWA group, as it is clearly stated under member's names: So and SO was "invited" as opposed to So and So was "added"
But it must be acknowledged, the "invites" are few in number, the "added to" is in MASS.
Again, Juan Viejo2 told me via email that Rick and Danny added names to the AAWA group. They most certainly do know they are there.
Edited to add: I accidently deleted what I tried to copy an exchange between wha and Tylinbrando. Wha asking if Rick and Danny were members. Ty responded they they were and they prob didn't know it.
(I'm beginning to understand figgy: "SOMETHING IS WRONG ON THE INTERNET!")
How long till we see an article about how "andre" had questionable fb friends and found himself added into a group of apostates - and after reporting them to the elders, he removed himself from the group and deleted his fb????
Marvin Shilmer
“Even ONE person added without their consent is an ISSUE…”
I could not agree more, and have said so to AAWA leadership.
Marvin Shilmer
I’m unconcerned about looking or sounding stupid.
We wouldnt have guessed!
I’m unconcerned about looking or sounding stupid.
I’m very concerned with getting answers to questions I’ve asked, and I’ve gotten those answers.
Have you any intention of asking AAWA whether they sought consent from the 800, or are you satisfied that you have the answer?