I have not suggested the extent is little or big.
I have shared what I’ve been able to confirm.
Juan Viejo (John Hoyle, a member of their board) already confirmed the extent. "Over 1,000" is what he said (though he was either disingenuous or uninformed about who was responsible for adding over 1,000 people, but he did confirm that that many were added en masse without permission). He also confirmed that he saw Watchtower apologists and those with no history of or interest in ex-JW activism force-added. So, why are they retaining those people as "members"?
Cedars did not dispute any of this, in fact he thanked Juan for summing up and said that AAWA would not discuss the matter further. We've asked Cedars directly several times about retaining 1,000 people who include apologists/moles and faders with no interest in activism, in a "secret" group where all members can see each other's names. I asked him point-blank about this and he refused to answer; instead he just kept asking me to "prove" I was harmed, which is not the point - I left the group; we are discussing the other force-adds they have potentially put at risk by refusing to remove them.
Then, a couple days later, right on cue, people start coming out of the woodwork claiming they were added without knowledge and their JW family or elders found out - one person even said his elders have "screenshots" and sounds like they're forming a judicial committee.