AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    Sometimes things do tend to be opaque. At least we have Marvin attempting to get to the bottom of it!

    Love ya


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Late breaking news:

    I just got a PM from Cedars.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I haven't said much.

    Smiling is the 2nd best thing you can do with your lips.

    The first is keeping your mouth shut.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Yes OTWO,

    Loose lips sink ships. Look what happened to Clinton.


  • fizzywiglet

    Per Hummingbird001 on page 16 of this thread (sorry; I just didn't want it to get buried):

    I freinded Julia on facebook after meeting her here as headisspinning. I don't know any of the other people involved. I was added to the group without my consent and I don't appreciate that. My in-laws saw it and questioned me. They are not very computer literate and I was able to fudge my way out of it, since we are not ready to come "out" yet. I have now removed Julia from my facebook.

    If this is accurate, these were Julia's last posts on JWN, here: http://jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/scandals/250276/4/Problems-with-the-Bogus-AWAA-Fan-Page

    This is ridiculous!

    I don't know how many of the people commenting here have any knowledge of Facebook at all...

    The issue with people being OUTED has nothing to do with the main AAWA group. That has been explained ad nauseum.

    The ONLY issue with the main AAWA group is that some people were INVITED without their knowledge. The ONLY issue that causes is a minor inconvenience because that group is set to SECRET.

    It was the RIP-OFF group that is responsible for adding people to an OPEN page and thereby revealing their identities.

    What is unclear about that?


    I just visited the group and although the notice states that secrecy cannot be guaranteed the group is only visible to the members. The posts are not visible. The name of the group is not visible. The member list is not visible. Nothing shows up in the news feeds. NONE of that shows UNLESS a person is a member.

    I went through the member list and looking quickly, I am personally familiar with at approximately 75% of the names. When I click on the ones that I don't know, I am seeing that they are friends with many XJWs that I do know.

    The admins have been very quick to nip any issues in the bud. The religiously neutral stance is being adhered to very closely and members have been alerted that if they have any concerns for hiding their identity, there will be no hard feelings if they choose to leave the group.

    Watching what is happening from inside the group, I think the enthusiasm and momentum far outweighs any major issues.

    This is only my opinion. I do not speak for AAWA. Just my two cents for what it's worth.

    And here: http://jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/scandals/250276/4/Problems-with-the-Bogus-AWAA-Fan-Page

    Reading through all of this reminds me of when a bunch of JWN vultures attacked Steven Unthank. I cannot begin to guess at what the motivations are behind this hatred and negativity but it is obvious this is not in a spirit of problem-solving or constructive criticism. In fact, seeing whats going on in here compared with the attitude and positivity on Facebook has indicated to me that there is a deep-rooted sickness festering on JWN. The clear message I am getting after reading through all of these accusations has had the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve - instead of coming away with big questions about AAWAs true intentions, I am actually more troubled over the intentions of their most vocal opponent... the people instigating this witch hunt right here on JWN.

    Sooooo she lies about a bogus page being the one that outed people, but does admit that people were "invited" (read: force-added) to the official AAWA page without their knowledge/consent - although of course, she conveniently leaves out the fact that this was by her. She also lies about "the admins" (yeah, HER) nipping problems in the bud, when in fact, when the problem was brought to her attention, she basically told people to shove off because otherwise it was too much "work" for her to do things right.

    And we also know that she was either wrong or lying about there being no threat of outing and only established ex-JW activists being added, because Juan Viejo had already admitted that Watchtower apologists/moles had been force-added along with non-activists, so faders are in a "secret" group with moles who can see their full names associated with "Anti-Watchtower". Not to mention people like Hummingbird or Ilovebirthdays - if you don't know that you've been added, and your JW spouse or family is visiting and snooping around your Facebook account, and find you on an Anti-Watchtower group you never even knew you joined, you're toast all the same..."secret" group or not.

    (Finally; I do find it hilarious that Julia pretends to be an uninvolved, innocent bystander completely unaffiliated with and not-at-all speaking for AAWA, instead of their Facebook page's moderator - all while calling the people on JWN a pack of vultures and witch-hunters. Such disingenuous concern-trolling.)

  • talesin

    Wow, that's quite nasty ...

    This is by no means a witch hunt. The AAWA's premise is not unpopular, nor is it under attack. For me, this is about taking action to protect the vulnerable, and owning up to making a serious blunder.

    EDIT: iow, accountability and damage control.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    hey did everyone miss Quiet one's link. You really really have to see this.


    $31 Dollars for an AAWA T shirt? How is this a non profit?

  • talesin

    $22.70 Canadian :P

    I guess the fund-raising part has been well planned, like the video. The security .... not so much.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Well I guess they know what's important to them

  • talesin

    This whole debacle is rather sad, from many perspectives ...

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