AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Tylinbrando

    She is subscribed to my Facebook. I also checked from my 4 children's FB. They too are subscribed to my feed.

    I am in no way discrediting anyone that says their family saw them on AAWA. I would like to get to the facts of how it happened.

    Maybe check with a bunch of other FB friends to see what else might be going on...

    this i will do.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “…I am calling you arrogant …”


    I’m glad you got that out of your system, and am glad you had this place to say it.

    “Have you found out why AAWA didn't delete the Facebook page to protect people from being harmed? Has the site been removed because they have finally decided to do the right thing?”

    I don’t know whether AAWA has or has not deleted any Facebook page. I haven’t asked the question.

    My understanding is that issues of privacy have been resolved. Last I checked AAWA’s web page it was down. That was about a day ago. Someone shared with me that it was down. The reason given me is different than what I’ve read here. I won’t repeat was said to me because I don’t know if it was solid information or not.

    I don’t tell people I love them if I don’t mean it, and it’s crude to presume of me as you do. That said, I know you want good for people. That’s the endearing trait.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Tylinbrando

    The reason given me is different than what I’ve read here. I won’t repeat was said to me because I don’t know if it was solid information or not.

    The reason the websight is down is for upgrading purposes to quell an onslaught of cyber attacks. Noteably stemming from the New York region.

    I don't think this information is or should be secret.

  • slimboyfat

    Telling anonymous people on the Internet you love them is crass.

    The privacy issues have not been resolved, for a number of reasons that have been outlined by others on this forum many times.

    People were added to the AAWA Facebook page without their consent. Just because the page has now been made secret does not eliminate the threat that other members of the page can still recognise people who were added without their consent. Or it might cause problems between spouses who have access to each other's accounts, or just anyone who happens to see your facebook open. Not to mention other threats we might not even be able to anticipate but that may emerge.

    Given that AAWA cannot guarantee that nothing bad will happen to those who were added without their consent, despite the fact the page is now secret, why don't they just delete the page? Why is any level of harm to faders acceptable to AAWA so that keeping up a stupid Facebook page is more important to them?

  • slimboyfat
    The reason the websight is down is for upgrading purposes to quell an onslaught of cyber attacks. Noteably stemming from the New York region.
    I don't think this information is or should be secret.

    LOL! Not secret, it should be ridiculed!

    If the Watchtower think anything much about AAWA they probably think they are a godsend. They'll be sending round the technicians to lend them a hand as we speak!

    Every day AAWA is online is a net benefit to the Watchtower at this point.

  • Tylinbrando

    LOL! Not secret, it should be ridiculed!

    Yes that seems to be a general trend.

    A general search of AAWA on Google overwhelmingly displays the dissent against AAWA as recorded here on JWN. If Watchtower wanted to get behind anything it would be those very search results.

  • Simon
    The reason the websight is down is for upgrading purposes to quell an onslaught of cyber attacks. Noteably stemming from the New York region.
    I don't think this information is or should be secret.

    Oh man, I just knew sooner or later people were going to play this card. It's from the WTS playbook 101: "Look, we're being persecuted! Therefore we are the truth ..."

    Here's the deal:

    Everyone wants to believe that their enemy is out to get them because it gives them credibility. No one wants to hear that your mortal enemy hasn't even noticed your existence. But that is most often the reality I doubt the WTS would be conducting cyber-attacks, certainly not from their HQ, that is ludicrous.

    Can it be proved to be the WTS? Of course not ... so instead there are subtle "hints": Someone is attacking us, you know who'd want to do that? Yeah - [dramatic voice] The WATCHTOWER !! That's who!!

    Some realities:

    If you put a machine on the internet it is attacked. Windows machines didn't used to be able to download the security updates before being compromised. Websites are no different. There are bots setup to be scanning for new sites and servers as these are most likely to be vulnerable if the admin has forgotten to tighten things up. JWN is attacked constantly. It's just part of having a website.

    If anything it's most likely an individual enthusiastic JW who thinks they are doing something righteous. I seriously doubt it's an orchestrated and significant attack although I'm open minded if someone wants to present evidence.

    If the AAWA seriously thinks it is then why not do something about it and catch the WTS conducting cyber attacks? If not, I think making claims like this looks a little over-dramatic at best, foolish and paranoid at worse.

  • Tylinbrando

    good points Simon. i did a search but could not find anything; has JWN ever been hacked or attacked?

    Nevermind, you just stated it is constantly. But has it ever warranted action such as upgrading?

  • slimboyfat
    If anything it's most likely an individual enthusiastic JW who thinks they are doing something righteous. I seriously doubt it's an orchestrated and significant attack although I'm open minded if someone wants to present evidence.

    Isn't there an even more likely explanation? I.e they just made it up to deflect from everything else!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Julia fruit and nut retweeted a claim by B.I.G Anonymous that blamed watchtower for the cyber attacks (twitter).

    Marvin has taught us well, so we now need a clear definition of what constitutes a "cyber attack" and then proof of this "600 cyber attacks" and that it was indeed the watchtower doing it. AWAAs say so wont cut it, we need logs and dates and times and everything.

    .. If there were any attacks on AWAA it is most likely to have come from Anonymous kiddies anyway thinking it was something to do with Watchtower.

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