THE PLOT THICKENS EVEN MORE ...... still digging ...... going deeper.
jwn wt beliefs 2355201/who-is-Jehovah take a look. i have bumped it.
the invention of a Catholic monk (Raymundus Martini ) AD 1202
The name did not exist until the 12th century.
The name is linked with demologia and Illuminati.
(demonologia - spanish for demonology note: google search the demonlogia spanish site, big difference, why so ?)
Satan stood against Israel and provoked/incited David to take a census.
The Almighty was very upset by the census and punished Israel for having risen.
see wiki Kuntillet Ajrud. ( Arabic )
late 9th early 8th century bce site in the Northern east part of the Sinai Penninsula.
It is frequently designed as a shrine, but this is noit certain.
the site was investigated in 1975/76
2 large Pithoi (storage containers )
Were found inside covered with Iconography which is entirely Syrian / Phoenician and lacks any connection to the Egyptian models commonly found in Palestinian art.
the inscriptions are mostly in early Hebrew with some Phoenician script. Many are religious in nature, invoking YAWEH, EL and BAAL, and two inclede the phases
''Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah'' and
''Yahweh of Teman and his Asherah''
There is general agreement that Yahweh is being invoked in connection with Samaria (capital of the kingdom Israel) and Teman (in Edom)
this suggests tha Yahweh had a temple in Samaria, and raises a question over the relationship between YAHWEH + KAUS - the national god of EDOM
Edom or Idumea
a Semitic inhabited historical region of the Southern Levant, located south of Judea + the Dead sea.
Southern Levant - is the are covering Israel, palestinian territories, Jordan + part of Lebanon (the area of the promised land ?)
Edom means ''Red'' in Hebrew and was given to Easau, the eldest son of the Patriach Isaac, once he ate the ''red pottage'', which the Bible used in irony at the fact he was born ''red all over''
The Torah, Tanakh + NT describe Edomites as the descentdants of Esau.
Demonologia / demonology (spanish google)
the branch of theology and mythology that deals with the study of demons and their relationships, hinting at it's origins and nature.