So Christians are confused on this side but in heaven they finally get things straightened out, right
WHy Have You Turned YOur Back On The Messiah
by cassuk11 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It seems many of you have always been in the flesh .Being a member of an orginasation has nothing to do with being in the presence of God. DId anyone of you enter into the Hoy of Holies in the spirit when you were JW or wahtever church you went to. Probably not.Because you were kept form entering in what the saviour had opened up for all to enter into.
Many of you are stil bitter which i can understand but that does not change anytihng. YOur Messiah still loves you and waits for you to enter in. You all thought you could earn your way into the KIngodm well you cant. But what you do have ot do is seek CHrist not by works but by love and you will find him.Then your eyes will be opened.FOr many it is a life long thing because of the indoctrination since chilkdhood not onyl of WTS but by all of mans teachings. The Messiah is the way and truth and life in him and he IN you will set oyu on the path to eternity. NO church, no dogma just a love you never got or ecperieced in your past and cannot get from an organisation or other humsn
cassuk11- again with the assumptions. Many here were completely devoted to Jesus, some still are, you don't have a corner on anything except a closet full of videos.
Why not try something really new, talk and respond to questions and answers, you know like normal people do.
Just ofr the record .Im not casting assumption on everyone. Im just making a general observation. The tone of comments and converstaions about the WTS suggest many may be trying to justify to themselves and others why they left especailly the younger ones Which is natural and was a process i went through. Its great that many of you have discovered a relationship with Messiah . Peace and love to all on your journey .
to designs
That was the Jews problem. They thought they hadno sin because their once a year sacrifice at the tmeple was menat to clean their hearts.But the Father was sick of them coming back year after year for the same things and the sacrifices bacame adisgusting thing to him. What he required was genuine repentence and this is why they hated The Mesisah because he told them they needed to rpeent and they did not like it. Ironically the same condition applies today
Anti-semitic rant. About what I figured.
Hi Cassuk11,
"I would encourage you to ente rinto the spitiual arrangement not made by human hands.In there you will see your saviour he will reveal himself to you"
Fair enough. However, your language here is highly abstract. You need to be more specific for this invitation to make any sense to me. Likewise, I would need to know how the "saviour" would "reveal himself" to judge what this means.
Without being too personal, can you help me understand a bit more about yourself. You seem to be a believer in Jesus as a living personal saviour, yet against organized religion, is that correct? Do you associate with any group then? Are you a former member of Jehovah's Witnesses? What is your view of the Bible, that is the widely circulated Protestant canon from Genesis to Revelation? What view do you hold on Genesis creation account? What is your view of the theory of evolution? How do you feel about scientific method? And finally... not to ask too many things, Occam's Razor?
Knowing your views on these items will help me better address your invitation above.
ps. You may have already answered some of these question -- I must confess that I have not read each post in this thread.
pps. My answer to the question above are: (a) I am not a member of any religious organization, (b) I am a member of PAMG (Phoenix Atheist Meetup Group), but don't meet with them that often. I am the organizer of the Chandler, Ex-JW meetup group. (c) I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses most of my life, baptized in 1981, left the faith in 2007. (d) I view the Bible as a remarkable book, continue to regularily read it, but don't believe it has non-human origins. (e) I see the creation account of Genesis as remarkably uninformed about the history of life on earth. (f) I accept the theory of evolution as the best explanation of how life on earth changes over time and is all related. (g) I see the scientific method as one of the most remarkable breakthrough tools in the discovery of objective truth. (h) I think Occam's Razor has proven a great tool in selecting the correct choice when faced with two or more explanations.
Hebrews 5:12 Milk for babes and solid food belongs to those
who are full age. We all progress to the hard stuff maybe if
we had continue to take in milk where would we be today,
still walking in darkness.
Cassuk11: we didn't just fall of a turnip truck, you are preaching to
the wrong crowd my friend. Maybe Jesus will bless your efforts.
Thanks ofr the comments guys. I get soem of your point totally .
Rawe. Iam an an ex JW
I do not belong to any group or oragnisation
I view the bible as an historical testimony about the saviour. Past present and future.
Occums razor t just another school of thought from man, though like most thing does have some value
Much of the bible is symbolic metephor to describe an event such as revelation or genesis.
The theory of evelution is a matte rof interpitation. Many atheists hold a view of intelligent design after years previous held theories. I suppose the next theory will be were were made by a superior alien race form the planet $%^&££"£" and of course lots will accept this as truth. The new coming deception upon mankind i reckon by the so called "illuminated ones"
But hey i cna take a bit of evolution no problem. What is subject is the processes of how things came about in the first place
The challlenge to you all is to stop accepting the ideas of man and see the KIngdom within you. Religious, philisophical, cultural,ideological theories have all ben proposed throughout the ages and we still have not progressed inwardly and they have not bring true joy, peace and love to the individual or to societies,communities etc. All those things have kept man from entering into the KIngdom.
I don't know Finlanders seem pretty happy