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WHy Have You Turned YOur Back On The Messiah
by cassuk11 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Costa Rican woman claims Pope John Paul cured her from deadly illness, meanwhile 1500 people die each day from cancer with no help from above.
cassuk11 knows how to ask a loaded question! He must have learnt that tactic from the Watchtower who aced the corner on the art of heading sermons with seriously inane questions.
yadda yadda 2
If Jesus has been a living breathing being with emotions the last 2,000 years then why has he turned his back on humanity and not lifted a finger to help anyone all this time? Oh, let me guess...you're going to say he has helped, by answering your prayers.
So why does he intervene by answering the prayers of millions of smug American Christians but he doesn't intervene to save all the starving and diseased babies and children? Prayer is intervention. You can't say Jesus can't intervene to prevent all the evil and suffering while saying he intervenes to answer prayers and help millions of Christians...that's a gross contradiction.
So don't tell me I've turned my back on Jesus when he's the one that's disappeared and done nothing all this time. When your Jesus returns to help the poor and diseased and starving again, I might take notice.
If you knew him before you decided to leave achurch or whatever you would have still looked for him, so im suggesting you did notknow him at all. But now you are free who's fault is it if you are not looking for
Those that love him go through anguish over and over to follow him.
I did look for him, I went through hell but I remember the day I just felt, there's nobody there. Always the guilt tripping with religious people. I loved God and Jesus and I sacrificed my life to pioneer but when I realised that way of life was rubbish where were THEY? I didn't rationalise them away with study, the research came later. When I left the JWs there was just my husband and myself, no God or Jesus helping us, no ex-JW friends, no internet, it was hard. Cassuk, I thought I knew the Messiah before but when I looked for him there was nobody there.
This has ended up looking like I feel really sorry for myself. That's not my intention. I just wanted to show Cassuk that we did go through terrible anguish trying to find God and Jesus but we couldn't find them - then we started reading.
Cassuk11, I understand that you have a deep belief in Jesus of Nazareth being your personal saviour, and accept that this seems to fulfill your spiritual needs. However, we might ask the question of why we should, as you put it, "go through anquish in the flesh mentally, spiritually and emotionally". The truth is the truth no matter where you find it. Many of us have grown up spiritually to stand on our own two feet so to speak and having tested our beliefs in the cold light of day having found our previous religious beliefs wanting. Do you think that love in and of itself cannot be the saviour of humankind? Why do we have to force ourselves to follow a Jesus or a Mohammed or some other person who claimed or claims to be the way to God? Using the mind rather than the emotions can help us to live a life that does not make a virtue out of suffering (which makes us vulnerable to manipulation). It may well be that a person's Messiah is actually to be found within them! If indeed man is made in the image of God then maybe, just maybe, we can find him there without the need for 'holy' books (of whose origin we cannot be certain).
I would also like to add that I don't think ignorance is a virtue either. "Just knowing" to me without any kind of reality test holds too much of an association with the mind control I experienced in the organization.
Why would God care about Americans but completely ignores all the poor people all over the world for 2000 years ? lets be fair the last people that need more are Americans, while the poor of Africa or the past do need some help.
One of the problems with 'just knowing' something is that although it may be true, that 'knowledge' is not transferable to anyone else, or at least shouldn't be. If I need to suggest that the reason you don't know the same thing that has been revealed to me is that you're in some way deficient, I'd think I ought to be asking myself some serious questions.
The pure arrogance of the original post sets my teeth on edge.
Hi Jam,
"For the life of me I can't understand why intelligent people believe the stories in the bible. How can theologians who knows the bible and have read it several times still believe it to be 100% truth. What is it that I am missing."
As per the theory of evolution our brains are adapted not so much as truth detectors, but instead for our survival. Since humans survive in groups and are very social there is a great deal pressure to accept what the group believes as true. In this regard I find how science attempts to uncover objective truth very telling. For example, the very idea that hypothesis can be considered "scientific" only if there is some way it can be clearly proven wrong. Then the hypothesis only attains the elevated status of a theory only after rigorous attempts to kill the hypothesis have failed.
Thus it genuinely can be difficult to parse truth from complete nonsense when articulate adult leaders of a community insist the nonsense is real.
What I now find interesting about the Bible in addtion to the direct things you mention (the Adam and Eve story, the Jonan story, the Baalam story, etc), but a some of the more subtle patterns. One pattern in particular strikes me rather strongly, and that is the scope of the stories involving miracles changes over time. The story of Noah is world wide. The story of Moses involves all of Egypt. By the time of Jesus all the miracles shrink in scope and involve only a few people in the area directly around Jesus.
There is a simple and obvious reason for this -- to make unbelievable stories, beliavable, setting is important and a key is making the setting just out of reach. The bigger the story the more remote and distant the setting must be. Thus, Star Wars, opens with "A long time ago and in galaxy far far away..."