maybe that helped your mother and sister
WHy Have You Turned YOur Back On The Messiah
by cassuk11 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't get what Jesus has against little Baptist kids in school buses.
Oh yes, their faith was made stronger. JW God and Christendom God.
i was really close with my brother i watched him destroy himself with alcohol and i literally carried him to the car and drove him to the hospital a few days before he died and watched him halluinate as he was yellow and he had told he had lost his faith and i prayed many times but i still believe in Christ maybe i'm silly.
ucan: sorry to hear about your brother, but you are not silly. If it
works for you that's fine, go with it. In my case, Jesus will have to
knock on my door with my dead Mom and Dad(alive) for me to believe.
Discriminate acts of kindness while millions starve, millions die of diseases every day, and we are asked to believe in the Christian God because randomly some child is miraculously cured every now and then and the other 7 billion are told to wait or worse told they will end up in some place of punishment because they are sinful humans.
It is a terrible philosophy to live by and to explain reality.
jam your right i don't think i am silly. i don't think it's a case of working for me i don't feel i have an option
Well said design, that's my point.
Its very silly to claim that anybody who doesnt believe now was never really a believer.
Some of us simply continued to use our critical thinking skills and others got stuck at theism. If you still believe in a god who answers prayers and cares who you sleep with then you have not completed your journey to becoming a more rational adult.
Wasanelder Once
All words and nothing more. This is your Jesus you are selling based on the word of men who never met him. If you had to face your own frailties without a saftey net named Jesus you would crumble. Its ok to be human, you dont need a mediator for your own brain. Relax and think for yourself for once and not follow some BS dogma created so long ago.