yadda- Jesus cured Vanderhoven's daughter's back, of course 18,000 children died that same day from hunger, 1500 died of cancer but that's the way it rolls in Jesusland.
WHy Have You Turned YOur Back On The Messiah
by cassuk11 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Xanthippe,
"I loved God and Jesus and I sacrificed my life to pioneer but when I realised that way of life was rubbish where were THEY?"
Thanks for post this! My skeptisim built over many years, 1995 until I left in 2007[1]. Your post reminded me that many in the faith take it seriously and have the kind of faith Cassuk11 describes. One would also think it would be reasonable that Jesus would reward such faith, even if was mistaken, once a person left. Alas, for many, such as yourself it doesn't work out that way.
[1] I did love the faith and was deeply involved along with my family. Although I often aux-pioneerd I never was a pioneer. I do think now I subconsciously limited my mental engagement and did things (saved for retirement, stressed the need for post-secondary education for my girls, never stressed the big A, etc) that limited the burn when we did eventually leave.
One would also think it would be reasonable that Jesus would reward such faith, even if was mistaken, once a person left. Alas, for many, such as yourself it doesn't work out that way.
Exactly Randy, that was just how I felt. The feeling of being abandoned was intense when all I had done was give my heart and soul to doing God's will, or so I believed.
{{WHy Have You Turned YOur Back On The Messiah}}
I don't know maybe because it is just an ancient myth that needs to be understood as a myth to make more sense and not childishly/niavely beleive everything the Bible says is accurately recorded history, as science, archeology, can readly testify too. In that way the myth can better be understood.
Getting out of wishful and magical thinking one turns to facts to support ones conclusions. Time and research without cherry picking the facts to suit ones bias may also give rise to better understanding the Jesus mythology. Of course the the church being an institution of the Roman empire seeking to have authority over the masses has held to the literal understanding of the highly selected texts they call the Bible but slowly better understanding of the processes that lead to the bible's formation and use has become availible from scholars on the subject who don't have a personal beleif bias in the way of an objective understanding of its nature.
There's nothing quite like a title to a thread, posed as a question but that is perhaps 5% genuine interest in any forthcoming answers but 95% condemnatory in tone - as I said, very like Watchtower article titles!
Captain Obvious
Well I wanted to get to know the king, but he failed to leave any information about himself that wasn't incoherent or self-contradicting. What's more, he has decided to kick back and chill, leaving us humans to take care of things ourselves... Which we have done far better than he ever did. So as far as I am concerned, if he's too weak to do anything meaningful for us or leave us some information that isn't full of bullshit (bible) then he doesn't deserve my worship.
There is no one out there.
Accept that and you will be better equipped to deal with life...
Nothing to do with having or not having a hopeful outlook. Always be positive.
Otherwise, go back to your tea leaves
or chicken bones
or anecdotes about 'divine intervention'.
Unless you are as happy as Jimmy Stewart was with Harvey. or
we have the same view of Christ but different understanding in whichwe will all surrender our own thoughts and just enter into the presence of the Lord as one. Its ok to have differences of understanding because out foundation ourrock is The Messiah and that does not change
So Jesus can't teach worth heck.
rawe you loved the physicla representation of faith which is a delusion and counterfeit. I would encourage you to ente rinto the spitiual arrangement not made by human hands.In there you will see your saviour he will reveal himself to you.In there there is no confusion, laws, rules only pur love, taste it and see. We ahve to seperate the physicla form the spiritual and the difference between the two.All earthly things including denominations and organisations are counterfeit to the true church which cannot be seen.YOur saviour waits to meet youon the path to the kingdom. It is spiritual you cannot earn it or see it. Just seek it