WHy Have You Turned YOur Back On The Messiah

by cassuk11 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MadGiant

    The Lord placed two types of people on this, His only planet that matters:

    (1) Those who critically analyze and evaluate all available information, making decisions, including those involving their belief systems, based on thought, facts and reason; and

    (2) Folks who have been blessedly spared such tedium.

    Take care,


  • jam

    Perry ; I have faith in humanity. There are certain things that are

    universal, no one like a liar or cheater and we know it's wrong to

    murder. One of the wonderful things that I have become, not to

    be so judgmental. You may say, the bible judge but not really.

  • Comatose

    I'm not going to be able to read through all this. But in the off chance that OP reads this I will just anewer why for me.

    Because its a fact that Neanderthals and other early modern humans lived. Which negates the original sin argument. Which negates a ransom as YOU understand it. So where does Jesus fit in with the humans who walked the earth prior to us? If someone had a logical answer to that, maybe I could feel different. But I can't put my head in the sand and ignore the evidence.

  • Glander

    Perry- Because of marketing techniques, many people are told that Jesus will improve their flight when in reality Jesus saves you from God's judgment after you die. God must judge. Jesus absorbs your guilty verdict and takes your punishment for you.

    Once I was returning home very tired from a week on the road. While waiting at the gate the desk called me up and the young man told me I was being upgraded to First Class for the 5 hour flight home. Wow.

    Now I understand.

  • rawe

    Hi Cassuk11,

    "Ok so you got out of The Watchtower Society after discerning it was false."

    Much depends on what one finds is false. For me it was a couple things, the first being the impossibility of the flood account in the Bible being literally true. The second was the dishonest way the theory of evolution was treated in the publications.

    "What is amazing is how many have turned their back on the King or was it they had no faith in the first place and the spiritual food they received did not help them stand upon a rock."

    There is little question Jehovah's Witnesses miss the essence of Christianity -- namely the focus on Jesus as the Christ. How many Witnesses even know that "Jehovah" never appeared in NT writing? So, I can see how one who leaves the Witness faith could do so once discovering this disconnect between what is presented as Christianity in NT vs Jehovah's Witnesses focus on -- "Jehovah" and obedience to an organization.

    "Jesus the Christ your saviour is a living breathing being with emotions. He want usto ge tto know him ,to follow him, to call upon him in days of trouble, .He want us to be part of the true churhc, a one not made by human handes."

    I simply don't see any evidence such incredible claims are true. Rather Jesus, like all other humans of his day, are now dead. The presentation of his death on a cross at the hands of the Romans could very well be true. That Christainity, growing up outside the middle of Jewish system, from which it sprang and not being very connected to physical things like a temple, I can easily see how such a belief system would focus on the spirtual, i.e. things, "not made with human hands."

    "Peace and Love"

    Amen! I believe the healthiest forms of faith stress peace and love and are ones that are personal. They don't focus on an organization, especially where one is not to question the leader. Without a doubt, your love of Jesus and his message comes across. I am sure it can be frustrating to think, Ex-Witnesses, who are now atheists such as myself, have somehow been ruined by our former faith, or as you suggest, never had faith to begin with. However, I don't think that is the correct way to think about it. For me, leaving the faith, was turning my back, not on Jesus, but on falsehood.



  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Is Jesus a living breathing person with emotions? I thought he was supposed to be a spirit person, not flesh and blood any longer. Does he have flesh and blood lungs that breathe oxygen from the earth's atmosphere?

    Of course, at one time we were true believers in the Watchtower Society as Jesus' mouthpiece. Otherwise, we wouldn't have followed them. Then at some point, many of us discerned through our reasoning powers that there was really no evidence to support that belief and we turned our back on the WTBTS. We didn't want to waste any more of our lives on something we no longer believed in.

    Later, some of us took the next step and applied those same questions and those same reasoning powers to our belief in Jesus as the Messiah and came to the same conclusion. We may have taken that step immediately or waited for some time to catch our breath, and for others, they have never taken that step (perhaps it is just too scary?)

    We are all at different points on the path.


    Why have you turned "Back On" your Messiah?.. Who Turned Him Off!!..

    ............................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • sspo

    He waits with tender compassion to take you towards the city gates where the light shines eternally.

  • friendaroonie

    It is a complicated question you are asking and I am assuming you are just asking a question and not accusing, shaming or otherwise conemning, proselytizing or propagandising. But for me getting burned so bad by people who bear his name as christians kind of creates a sort of guilt by association. You dont want anything to do with jws, their momms, their gardeners or their milkman's first crush. Also for me the rediculousness and cartoon-ness of the bible was just getting too hard to speak of without bursting out laughing in people's faces. And im still thay way about the bible. It really is a stupid book. Its no better than a pile of farts. Old two thousand year old farts that have been lingering way too long and stinking up the earth way too much.

    But one day in a church a pastor looked at me and said do you need grace? Only from having been told about grace doctrine from my brothrr who also left the jws I had to say yes. So just slmost out of spite I accepted jesus free gift of grace.soon afterward I started having some amazing experiences. Dreams. Revelations visions premonitions speakin intongues. Some of it was during santo daime ceremonies drinking ayuasca. Dmt. And lsd. And to jwfacts I would offer him a free tfial on these wo derful sight giving medicknes. But many of my spiritual encounters were without any sacrament. I came to belive in jesus as a living spirit. I have very little knowledge about anything. I o ly know what I experienced. The bible means notjing to me and neither do words for that matter. I abandoned my belief for direct ecpefience.

  • jam

    For the life of me I can't understand why intelligent people believe the stories in the bible. How can theologians who knows the bible and have read it several times still believe it to be 100% truth. What is it that I am missing. I found most believers don't know the bible so I give them a pass, but for those of you who have research the bible I don't understand. For me it is simple, when I was a believer I believed in witches, ghostly creatures, talking ass, talking snake, spiritual creatures having sex with humans, the remover of 200 men foreskin, mankind have only been around for 7000 years, surviving in the belly of a fish for days and on and on. Come on folks, WTH. I guess when I stop drinking (alcohol) things became very clear or I became like Satan and his demons, blinded to spiritual things, just can't understand God's word.

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