My planned incompetence has PAID OFF! I am being REMOVED as a MS!
by BU2B 74 Replies latest members private
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
That is a very good plan! Hojovah has richly rewarded your efforts.
So now you follow through by spending quality time with your family... in non-JW activities? Or is it time to have a real family bible study to learn TTATT?
I love that they encouraged your "humble attitude". I found it to be a great response when I was "encouraged" to reach out... because working toward a title MS wouldn't be humble.
Out of curiousity, do you have a plan going forward with your emotional performance? In my case, I kept up the stress-depression-thing going until I moved away and really faded. Then I made it evident that I was becoming much happier. I'm not married, so I only had to perform mostly for my parents and some for family/friends. My situation and results aren't typical... I don't think "typical" exists in WT world.
never a jw
Congratulations on your recognized incompetence. I hope you and your family soon find a new and better life where the real search for truth takes place.
I think I will keep up the emotional/stress thing, because It really isnt an act, its the way I really feel.. Its just that the real reasons for my stress/emotional state are different than my "official reasons" lol
Witness My Fury
Good Idea Jgnat. I may read proverbs 31 to her later on tonight :)
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"It really isnt an act, its the way I really feel."
Indeed. It is just a matter of removing the fake JW smile that we were trained to display. You know the whole "We're the happiest people on earth... okay maybe we're not happy, but we are joyful. Okay, maybe we're neither happy nor joyful, but we put up a good act, often with the assistance of anti-depressant medication."
Yeah, that brings back a lot of memories.
good job!
well now that your in the same boat as me... (no privileges, wife thinks I still beleive, young family) maybe you can figure out what I am doing wrong and how to get my wife and family to exit with me
I know a lot of people play the depression card as it does work well keeping the elders at bay, but I don't (at least for me anyway) think its a good strategy for a spouse.
I just don't think weighing down my wife with a depressed husband is fair especially when I am NOT depressed and there is a child involved. On top of that, if you ever drop hints about TTATT they will associate that with your depression and not a clear level head. this will give them a way to dismiss your "issues". I guess the other side is it might start them thinking on their own without being too hard on you.... but then what do I know?anyway, congrats and keep us posted!
I'm glad the weight on your shoulders is easier, all I can say is show as much love as you can to those you love so that when the next phase kicks in they see you as the nicest guy in the world and not an apostate
wounderful execution of a plan
They said how much they still appreciate me and my family and how "they dont think any less of me, they actually think more of me because I had a "humble" attitude". BU2B
This had me in stitches, you are a clever so and so aren't you. Love Kate xx