My planned incompetence has PAID OFF! I am being REMOVED as a MS!

by BU2B 74 Replies latest members private

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "He used the illustration of a olympic figure skater who dropped dead in Lake Placid on the ice. The point being that although he appeared strong on the outside he had a "bad heart" that no one could see."

    Then the reverse would be equally true. I know 'coach potatoes' who have lived unhealthy lifestyles but lived to ripe old ages. The point being that although he appeared unhealthy on the outside, he had a "good heart" that no one could see. So why does WT judge people by superficial things like numbers turned in on a slip of paper or their possession of a title like "MS" or pioneer? For that matter, someone may be immodestly dressed on the outside, but have a "Christ-like" heart. Or by his remark about immodest dress was he suggesting that the single sister who's pioneered for 40 years has a "bad heart" that's wearing tight, skimpy Daisy Duke shorts?

    Once your eyes open to TTATT, this stuff really comes across as stoooooooopid!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    It never ceases to amaze me by the creative ways people find in successfully fading and dropping from the radar. It's never as easy as telling them you need a break or just can't keep up with the spartan lifestyle of being a JW. Good luck.

  • AlphaMan

    As you have stepped down it will be easier for them to harass you to serve again. And believe me they will harass you.

    Not if he continues to make less meetings & FS. He won't qualify for any priviledges without those outward acts of devotion to the Borg.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I do think I need to start taking steps for a higher paying future as hard as it may seem, I need to do it. I don't want to live paycheck to paycheck the rest of my life.

    Congrats BU2B! You and I joined here around the same time. It’s great to see your plans working so well. You’ve had a much harder road to follow than I did.

    I’m just about to complete my first semester of school. I highly recommend finding something that pays better so you don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck. That’s what I’m trying to accomplish too.

    Good luck with getting your wife out too. This is the first year we are celebrating everything together as a family. Take your time. Its well worth it.

  • bigmac

    this whole fading business is ??% about trying to keep a marriage intact. the rest is about trying to avoid alienating religious nutcase parents.

    ive no idea how to address the latter---so lets look at the former.

    big ---IF-- your marriage is worth bothering with--you need to devise a plan. either kill with kindness--or other time honoured methods.

    are you the bread winner--? who pays the bills--? who drives the car--?

    get where i'm going--?

  • ABibleStudent

    Congradulations BU2B, So, what are your plans to spend more time with your family? Bible studies? Fun outings to meet more non-JWs who you share common interests? Getting your children involved in non-JW sports? Encouraging you children to do well in school and go to college? What plans do you have to improve your family's financial security?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • BU2B

    The CO also said one of the signs of a disobedient heart are those who are tired of not being able to find a JW to date/marry, even thinking about dating "someone not in the lord". It came across to me that all normal human emotions, desires, or behaviors are a sign of a "disobedient heart". They want not a human being but an android who is capable of cutting off parents, children, siblings, and best friends, or letting their child die on the operating table. I see my wife not speak to her sister who has been DF for a few years. My wife worked below her sisters apartment but would ignore her as she has been commanded by "Jehovah" oops I mean the GB. I guess she has an obedient heart :(. I could see her nodding in agreement out of the corner of my eye as the talk went on.

  • BU2B

    Thanks sooo much for the kind words Steve2.. I know I have my work cut out for me going forward.

  • jgnat

    hoser is speaking from experience. He lives in an area with a serious shortage of eligible men. Sucks to be them.

  • designs

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