"He used the illustration of a olympic figure skater who dropped dead in Lake Placid on the ice. The point being that although he appeared strong on the outside he had a "bad heart" that no one could see."
Then the reverse would be equally true. I know 'coach potatoes' who have lived unhealthy lifestyles but lived to ripe old ages. The point being that although he appeared unhealthy on the outside, he had a "good heart" that no one could see. So why does WT judge people by superficial things like numbers turned in on a slip of paper or their possession of a title like "MS" or pioneer? For that matter, someone may be immodestly dressed on the outside, but have a "Christ-like" heart. Or by his remark about immodest dress was he suggesting that the single sister who's pioneered for 40 years has a "bad heart" that's wearing tight, skimpy Daisy Duke shorts?
Once your eyes open to TTATT, this stuff really comes across as stoooooooopid!