My planned incompetence has PAID OFF! I am being REMOVED as a MS!

by BU2B 74 Replies latest members private

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Congrats BU2B! I also used the "need to attend to family" excuse, only it's really not an excuse is it? Being on the MS/elder treadmill leaves little time for your family and I think we all know of many examples where the family is neglected. Also, there's really no way they can argue that reason because you can use the Bible to argue that your first priority and responsiblity is to the family, then the "congregation".

  • suavojr

    Wish you the best and hopefully you can use your time to wake your wife up. Do a family worship in a nice setting, not the same place. Maybe give her a topic with your questions to research. If she can answer all the questions with good answers promise her you will take her out to the mall or dinner.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Subterfuge is an art. It may not be deceitful at times, but it works! Hey, the talk about acquiring an "obedient heart"...did the CO use the illustration of the Baboon heart? I was wondering if that was actually part of the outline...who writes this stuff?


  • AlphaMan

    Well done.

  • BU2B

    He used the illustration of a olympic figure skater who dropped dead in Lake Placid on the ice. The point being that although he appeared strong on the outside he had a "bad heart" that no one could see. So it can be with us.. Is our heart obedient? We may go to all the meetings service, prepare for the meetings etc, but do we make sure we follow "jehovahs clear dircectves" to not talk to our DF children, parents or friends? Are we faithul and obedient as far as "jehovahs" guidelines on dress and modesty go?.. If we dont obey, we could be like that skater and collapse even if we seem strong from the outside. For the cherry on top the closing song was song 120 "Listen obey and Be Blessed" which of course my 3 year old belted out at the top of her lungs. JUST SHOOT ME! I swear I feel like I am in Pyonyang or in Nazi Germany, knowing how evil the Nazi Party is but watching your son or daughter join the Hitler youth program. As a parent you have to help your child see the true nature of things because if you speak your mind your ass is in Aushwitz (DF) quicker than you can say God bless you! The Jehovahs Witnesses are truly the North Korea of religions. If one with an open mind watches a NK documentary, the similarities will be evident.

  • suavojr

    All I can say BU2B is WOW sorry that you have to go through such a horrible experience

  • BU2B

    Thanks suavojr, no worries my man, we are all in this together. I know you are stuck in with a sleeping wife as well, so we will go through this journey together. :)

  • bigmac

    what a dreadful religion to put its members through this situation.

    hey BU2B----cant you just get yourself disfellowshipped by accident-?-----just make sure your wife sees it wasnt your fault. do you have a car?--does she drive--? how do you get to the meetings--?

  • tootired2care

    Congrats, time for a full blown feug state.

  • Oubliette

    Nice strategy!

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