My planned incompetence has PAID OFF! I am being REMOVED as a MS!

by BU2B 74 Replies latest members private

  • problemaddict

    Hey Man, good for you. I think i mentioned here a while ago that my wife has started coming around. She is kind of on her own fade. Pioneered 17 years (we are in our mid 30's), served in foreign countries, all that jazz. Her entire family are "heavies". So she is processing with fear. That is normal.

    Your wife will respond to a strong lead. Avoid looking "unsteady" even if that is how you feel. You understand her mentality because at one time you had it. You still may not feel the same way about thingsshe does, but the point is to get her to think.

    Like this. I think blood is indefensible. My wife isn't sold. Her hot button is disfellowshipping over not agreeing with the slave, and how apostates are spoken down to. Finally one day she just stopped going to meetings. It was just awesome. But she has cried. She fears she will lose her family (which they would just cut her right off), and her friends (some yes some no). She even had a nightmare where she felt guilty because she was making new friends.

    Your wife is your priority. Without bringing her along, the kids will always be split. Do it softly. When you are discouraged, maybe you cna bring up a doctrinal point you are "trying to understand". Never approach her with your mind made up. That will bring on the defense.

    As far as your fade, looks like its going well. Each fade is unique. The thing about a fade is that the influence lingers. I haven't been in a hall in a year almost, but it still is kind of all around me. I see the unique appeal of DAing....although I still think it isn't wise.

    One of the very best things you can do is to be an awesome father and husband. All of that will speak volumes. Just be better. Not at meetings, but everywhere else! Then, start not going more and more, but inviting your wife and family more and more to go out for dinner, or to a museaum, or to play n the park after dark or whatever is cool in your neck of the woods. Then you will see the right opportunity to bring something up....or better yet.....she may do it! Don't go to fast. Try to anticipate what is important to her.

    Thats my 2 cents. But congrats my man.

  • Violia

    I am so happy for you too. You really do need to focus on your family and so none of this was fake. You just did not tell them the source of the real strain .

    Many people have claimed depression and such problems to keep them from meetings. Other times it can be a need to care for elderly parents or focus more time on a mate or a child having issues. There are so many problems in this old world. You could ask them to hook you to the KH for meetings if you want to maintain contact with friends at the KH or family. Some people have moved and if that is possible, try it.

    best to you and your family

    JWN, helping jws escape the wts one at a time.

  • whathappened

    We are happy for you. Now you can fade..fade...fade.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    BU2B said, "Thanks NN, I do think I need to start taking steps for a higher paying future as hard as it may seem, I need to do it. I don't want to live paycheck to paycheck the rest of my life."

    The first step is to live within your means, even if that means you'll be eating homemade beans-and-rice.

    The second step is to get out of debt with the goal being to get yourself COMPLETELY out of debt.

    You can read the classic book The Richest Man In Babylon at

    This book is NOT Watchtower approved, so you know it is TRUTH and GOOD FOR YOU.

  • BU2B

    That is what I am working on now. I am working on consolidating my debt and paying it all off. It's not a tremendous amount but it needs to be done

  • BU2B

    Problem addict- you are so right. If I am a all-star father and husband, but my JW activities decline, maybe she will subconsciously form the connection that the less I do at the KH, the more I do with the family. Then she will be less likely to be as upset when I increase the fading. The hard part is that I do get depressed and in a dark place about my situation, the fact my parents are super hard core JWs who I am likely to lose, the stress of trying to sit through lying meetings, the pressure of spending my days figuring out ways to wake my wife up, financial problems, and just such an uncertain future make me burn out sometimes. I don't mean to complain, and believe me I am a strong person to put up with the things I have. Some people can't do it and just walk away. It's tough to be the worlds greatest dad and husband when dealing with all the things I have mentioned, but I will press on. I must press on. No one is coming to bail me out of this mess. I know my wife loves and appreciates me....And I love and care for her. What scares me is that I don't know whether it is all conditional or not... So either I wake her up, or I will find out what the conditions of her love are the hard way.

  • problemaddict


    I was right where you are at not even a year ago. Nobody said it would be easy. Doing the right thing usually is not. You will find your way through it. Now that you are pushing through the guilt of being a JW and all of that business, you can REALLY prioritize your life in a hole new way.

    You have to look at this as staring into nothing at all. Anything is possible. You could still be a zombie or you could figure this out when you are 50. You are ahead of the game in many respects.

    I never thought my wife would come around and it made me angry and bitter and sad. I stopped processing negatively, and now she is fllowing me out and I am helping her in her own journey. You could not have convinced me of this possibility just 9 months ago.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    "Planned incompetence". Love it! Well done buddy.

  • BU2B

    Problem addict you have a PM

  • problemaddict

    and so I do...

    Responded. :)

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