My planned incompetence has PAID OFF! I am being REMOVED as a MS!

by BU2B 74 Replies latest members private

  • truthseekeriam

    It's really hard to sit through the rubbish, once you know it's rubbish.

    I wish you well on your fade. Your children will thank you some day.

  • tornapart

    Sounds like you played a blinder BU2B! You've certainly got it all figured out! All the best to you in your next step..

  • OnTheWayOut

    Congratulations on your progress in your fade.

    She told me how she feels like if I am not a MS, she will just "be another body" sitting there with nothing to do and no spiritual goals.

    I wouldn't disagree in her face, but as a JW, I always told members that their own spirituality and relationship with Jehovah did not depend on assignments. That would certainly be even more true of a wife who thinks otherwise. Her spiritual goals have absolutely nothing to do with your "title."
    BUT...... her response is a great thing for your situation. It shows that she can be swayed to disagree with the elders and recognizes that appearances are all that really matters in the congregation.

  • BU2B

    Bigmac- Not sure that I want to get DF just yet, and yes we each have a car..... Just how would you get accidentally DF? Any suggestions? OTWO- thanks for your comments. I never looked at her response like that but you are right.. It is a milestone when a JW disagrees with the elders, maybe, hopefully the next step would be disagreeing with the GB? Everyone else thanks so much for your warm comments, it is so appreciated :)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    EX-cellent!!! You have outsmarted them and beat them at their own silly game!

    You have SAVED not just your life, but the lives of your wife and children.

    Next goal: get MUCH more materialistic and start building your financial security.

    "I LOVE IT when a plan comes together!"

  • BU2B

    Thanks NN, I do think I need to start taking steps for a higher paying future as hard as it may seem, I need to do it. I don't want to live paycheck to paycheck the rest of my life.

  • hoser

    The only thing you could have done better is let them remove you vs voluntarily stepping down. As you have stepped down it will be easier for them to harass you to serve again. And believe me they will harass you

  • pixel

    Congratulations man. The borg dont deserve people working to advance their "interest".

  • Ding


    It's sad when people like your wife are so concerned about status within the congregation, but that's the WT system -- it's all about what "the organization" thinks of you and where you stand in the estimation of men.

  • steve2

    One of the hallmarks of good mental functioning is self-efficacy:

    Through necessarily careful planning you have sensitively worked out what you need to do to effect a fade.

    Oh that other JW spouses intending to fade would have your level of maturity and responsibility and not expect a wounded mate to just take it.

    There is every reason to believe that, over time, your fade will be as successful as it could ever be with a reduced likelihood of excess pain.

    Mind you, with the astute skills you have displayed under stressful conditions, you probably have what it takes to manage yourself and your family well even under such pain.

    But, hey, you can feel justifiably pleased with how the fade is progressing. Unlike the JW environment, there is no urgency. Since the world is not ending tomorrow, you can be guided by your lovely ability to considerately plan.

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