Fallacies about Faith

by tec 340 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    Here's an on topic idea to discuss:

    As evidenced by this thread, faith leads to very sophisticated metaphysical arguments to support or explain situations the secular world judges simply immoral.

  • cofty

    The greatest joy of abandoning faith is not having to engage in this sort of wilfully dishonest sophistry to defend the indefensible.

  • 2+2=5

    It's a wonder you don't choke on all this crap you talk. Honestly, it's painful to read.

    It goes something like this, " God does bad in the OT?? This cannot be true, Christ taught me otherwise, he is my personal tutor. "

  • OnTheWayOut

    God did not kill them... He did allow Death to pass over Egypt. But not every firstborn in Egypt died... because all those who believed in and obeyed God put the blood of a lamb on their doorstep,

    Tec wouldn't kill her child if God asked- the bullet or knife or plastic bag over the head would do it.

    I love such closed-ended thinking. You are a child and your daddy doesn't let you put the blood on the doorstep. You die. You are livestock without a doorstep. You die.

    Tec, you just keep allowing God to be only wonderful in your mind. Death is the evil one that did those horrible deeds.

    God "allowing" death still makes him a bastard in my book.

  • zound

    God did not kill them... He did allow Death to pass over Egypt. But not every firstborn in Egypt died... because all those who believed in and obeyed God put the blood of a lamb on their doorstep.

    This reminds me of Terry Pratchett's character 'Death'. What are you talking about tec? A cloaked skeleton figure with a sheath did not just happen to be passing by killing firstborns and god in all his wonderful mercy allowed an escape clause from death if you put lambs blood on your doorstep.

    It's exactly like the Abraham situation, god mandated the firstborns to be killed and then "mercifully" saved those that obeyed his weird stipulation. If he tempers his genocide with a token amount of "mercy" if people carry out his stupid tests of loyalty am I supposed to see how "loving" he is?

    I just want to also point out that earlier in this thread you mentioned that you stopped studying with JW's because you couldn't justify that 90% of the human race will be wiped out at armegeddon, yet you're making ridiculous excuses for the wholsesale slaughter of people by god.

    God didn't murder those people - death did.

  • zound

    Can I use this excuse in court?

    I didn't murder those people your honour, death did.

  • tec

    Still not a single one of you answers the question whether God had the right to answer the cries of those who were BEING raped/murdered/harmed... who cried out to God to save them from those killing them. Instead you are defending those who did the murdering/raping/blood-spilling. Today you blame God for not doing what He did back then; while also blaming God for doing what He did back then.

    Little children in the marketplace...

    Tec wouldn't kill her child if God asked- the bullet or knife or plastic bag over the head would do it.


    If I made this kind of comment to one of you, you'd be tearing your clothes, flailing your arms... how dare I bring your child into something like that, and make such a disgusting accusation against you. Well, I wouldn't make such a disgustingly personal comment... but it is no less disgusting coming out of your mouth. Especially as I already answered the question MANY times, to the opposite.

    Nor does it compare to God.

    God protected those who cried out to Him, those who belonged to Him... from those who were killing/enslaving them, including Pharoah who gave the order to murder every firstborn son of Israel at birth. Remember that?

    God came in answer to those crying out to Him. He gave Pharoah and his people time and chances... over and over again. Started out just be saying to free them and showing a demonstration of his power. But Pharoah refused. After time and man chances, He finally said that death would pass over Egypt, and take the firstborn of every house. THEN and only THEN would Pharoah let them go. (Due to the outcry of his own people to/against him for allowing it to happen as much as the realization that he isn't powerful enough to fight the God of the Israelites) But EVEN then... EVEN THEN... God gave them a way to keep themselves AND their firstborns/children safe from death.

    They had to listen to God... OVER Pharoah. And some did... saving themselves AND their children. (same as we must listen to Christ who tells us what to do to have life and not death... OVER the wts or other rocks and mountains (religious leaders and religions) Some listened to Pharoah... who could protect them from nothing. Same as the wts can protect its adherents from nothing. Still, Christ is calling His people out of her... so that they do not share in her sins.



  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    How do we know that anyone cried out to God? There had to be decent people in Nazi Germany - the Resistance members come to mind. The Old Testament casts just about anyone who is not a YHWH worshipper as evil incarnate. What were the procedural processes that led God to condemn S & G? Does a six month old have moral responsibility for the actions of an adult? These stories aren't fleshed out. They are more Israel, YEAH! Others - died. If the account is correct, where is the evidence in the debris of that time period?

    Again, you can not share what great truths or love notes Jesus shares with you. I don't believe you have the creative writing skills. Rather, we are supposedly to be impressed with your assertion. Wow, that TEC ,truly has Jesus! It doesn't matter that her Jesus might completely negate the historical Jesus. Having Jesus talk to you absolves you from scriptural authority or any tradition by any faith group.

    Paul said to look to the fruits of the spirit. I don't notice how you are a beacon of this forum for all the voice hearing. How have we be enlightened? Baby teeth appeared on your forum. It is a fraud. Tammy does nothing to stand out with here. Inventing voices of Jesus is an attention grabber. People must flock to you from around the world.

    It is hard to find the "historical Jesus" under the teachings of the Church. One would imagine that the historical Jesus would mention you by name and address as the place to go for genuine Christian teaching in the last days. Yet not one gospels, canonical or otherwise, points the way to you.

    Immoral things are not immoral b/c you were not standing in the circumstances. How do you know God would not demand a sacrifice from you? What makes you so special?

  • tec

    I just want to also point out that earlier in this thread you mentioned that you stopped studying with JW's because you couldn't justify that 90% of the human race will be wiped out at armegeddon

    And that meant that they would NEVER receive a resurrection... and I said 99%, lol... but those people were wiped out simply for not being a jw. It is even worse than the mainstream christian teaching that all who are not christians go to hell. (or at least, it covers even more people than the mainstream christian belief; although mainstream keeps changing, so its hard to know if that is a mainstream christian teaching or not anymore)

    So they were being killed not because they had done anything wrong, or because they were harming and killing/enslaving/raping, etc, others. But just simply because they were not a jw. And they would never have a chance at life, even if they were those who did good to others.





  • zound

    Can you please clarify for me... who killed the firstborns in Egypt? (by the way you accidentally said "peace, tammy" twice in your last post.)

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