Apog - So your main objection was atheists hijacking topics, but when challenged to find one you admit you could not.
Yes, I only come here for short visits these days when I need a little break from my work, and so my commitment to any discussion here must be limited. I suppose it was unwise to read the most recent threads looking for one, because as Violia indicated, most of the religious folks who wanted to talk about religion were run off a little while back, and I only went back about a week in time by covering 20 pages. In any case, I was trying to be methodical and didn't want to jump to an easy example, but I could have if I wanted to. Surely I needn't bring up the continual abuse that tec received here until she was finally banned for saying "Bless you" too many times?
Now your objection is that when a fundie ranted about how their god was going to torment millions of men, women and children in hellfire for all eternity, and posted cartoons to support her point, I called her god a "moral monster".
What would you have preferred? Should I have said that a god who invented eternal torment isn't very nice?
Frankly, yes. Or something in-between that and what you actually said. Using incendiary words doesn't accomplish anything except draw attention to your own strident voice. You pretend that you are being dispassionate but all that people see in these outbursts (when they're not already eager to agree with you) is that you're using very angry words. Is this the proper way to attack a belief you think is harmful? Why not take the high road and be calm and reasonable?
You act as if you are doling out justice by your replies, but it sometimes comes across as revenge instead. I honestly think that you would be better off addressing your feelings in private than coming on here and blasting people for believing in the Bible God, but until you acknowledge your anger over your past, you can't come to terms with it.