An important difference between atheists and true believers

by Hortensia 219 Replies latest social current

  • Viviane

    Let me assure that my character is fine. Cofty is no gentleman. This battles just goes on and on. It is tiring and boring. Rather than convert people, you push readers away. It reminds me of Sartre's No Exit. Yes, a believer knows French existentialism. Cofty became a bully somewhere.

    And so far you have produced nothing but insults with no proof of the slings and arrows you have suffered (and no one else can find or remember them either).

    Why can't there be a truce? Every argument has already been made. No one has the right to demean me. We are demeaned frequently. A true scientist would not be so rude.

    There is no battle, right now it's just you saying how Cofty is being terrible and not providing proof. You are the only one demeaning you with your own actions. A rational person would not be so rude to themselves.

  • Hortensia

    Apognophos, I looked at the thread you linked. It's a good example of the kind of stuff that makes me want to bang my head against a wall.

  • talesin

    I think that sometimes believers are offended as much by the fact that there is truth in what he says as by the tone

    Sometimes people who expect others to conduct themselves as adults, and treat others with respect, are offended.

    Please, it's not just believers.

    This is so ironic. How many threads about people trying to get their families out of the cult, and they are told --- give them something to think about. Don't bash them over the head with it. Don't make them feel stupid.

    Yes, don't make them defensive - being attacked puts people on the defenseive, and they back off. End of learning. Walls lock down, doors slam shut.

    It's the same with this! Ridiculing people, and calling them idiotic, all puts them on the defensive.

    If you want to be RIGHT, then go fot it. You shall always be right ........... science trumps fairy tales. I agree. But don't expect the majority of believers to listen and HEAR, no more than one would expect a JW to hear when they are being approached in this manner.

    Oh, and I love how you, Cofty, trot out the patriarchal 'hysterical woman' BS when BOTR tried to call you on your behaviour. Really? You get so angry sometimes, I imagine your head is about to explode. Temper tantrums, the whole works.

    Anyhow, all you know-it-alls who want to be RIGHT, regardless of the damage left in your wake, you carry on, keep on making more staunch believers. lol


  • Viviane

    Oh, and I love how you, Cofty, trot out the patriarchal 'hysterical woman' BS when BOTR tried to call you on your behaviour. Really? You get so angry sometimes, I imagine your head is about to explode. Temper tantrums, the whole works.

    Untrue. He did not trot out any "hysterical woman" BS. BOTR has yet to show any behavior that even come close to what she is claiming.

    Anyhow, all you know-it-alls who want to be RIGHT, regardless of the damage left in your wake, you carry on, keep on making more staunch believers. lol

    Better to speak to the evidence and use logice than to restort to hysterics, nonsense and untruth all in an effort to smear someone.

  • LisaRose

    BOTR: Why can't there be a truce? Every argument has already been made. No one has the right to demean me. We are demeaned frequently. A true scientist would not be so rude.

    This is not a war, just a heated discussion of a touchy subject, and if we can't discuss belief/non belief because every argument has been made, then why have a board at all? It's absurd, should we then say there is no reason to discuss politics as well? When I started posting again after a long absence I had problems with Cofty's postings myself, I also tried to tell him to tone it down. But after reading the many things he has written, I believe he does a lot of good in helping people to use critical thinking skills. I rarely post on these threads, as I feel I don't have anything to contribute, but I read every one. I have learned a lot from those caustic remarks. I still wish he should be a bit nicer, but I feel he contributes greatly to this board even so. Since you don't like these discussions, just don't go there, it's very simple.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I had parents. Cofty is not some benign father figure. Furthermore, my critical thinking skills are certified by the state of New York. I can't read these threads. I skim. My eyes pick up many insults. A neutral person would not be so impressed. Today I've read that I am irrational. Oh, excuse me call a feminist who helped prepare legal briefs for NOW "Hysterical." What a classic. It is so bad it is almost funny. He has no legitimacy to make judgments about what anyone can believe.

  • Viviane

    Band, you are making a lot of accusations and providing no evidence, you are overreacting, using hyperbole acting as if you have been persecuted. You are acting hysterical. I work in a professional white collar environment and engage with legal counsels from various corporations on a weekly basis and I have to say, I have trouble imagining any of them acting the way you are.

  • Violia

    Talesin is so right.

    When a typical jws comes to this board now, they see aggressive atheists and a few judging come to Jesus folks ( most have left) This board has succeeded in mostly running off the spiritualist folks, tarot etc. They could not even have a thread to themselves without being Bullied, Yes I said Bullied by atheists and religious alike. Then the religious posters became a problem, most of them left.

    Can't we all get along? Tolerance is what is needed.

    This board has succeeded in running off the spiritualism , tarot folks, most to the religious folks . What is left that speaks Loud and Strong are the Atheists. They are just as abusive as many felt the religious posters were a few years ago.

    So that is what this board has come to- Xjws are atheists ( the new Truth??) and if you don't agree post somewhere else?

    I do not believe Simon wants it this way.

  • kassad84
    kassad84 that is why the org is warning us about this diseased apostates...all these bitterness and hate...what had become of them? the elders were right.

  • cofty

    You get so angry sometimes, I imagine your head is about to explode. Temper tantrums, the whole works. - Talesin

    You could not be more wrong. I only post in cold blood and usually with a smile on my face. Stop projecting.

    Apog - So your main objection was atheists hijacking topics, but when challenged to find one you admit you could not.

    Now your objection is that when a fundie ranted about how their god was going to torment millions of men, women and children in hellfire for all eternity, and posted cartoons to support her point, I called her god a "moral monster".


    What would you have preferred? Should I have said that a god who invented eternal torment isn't very nice?

    No one has the right to demean me. We are demeaned frequently. - BOTR

    Religious superstitions are held up to scrutiny. If you find that demeaning perhaps that says somehting about your lack of confidence in your beliefs.

    Please offer specific examples of where I have attacked you personally that led to this latest rant

    I get insulted frequently. Often that includes blatantly false accusations. Sometimes I ask respectfully for an apology either on the forum of by PM. I never get one. Rather than whinge about it I get on with life. It is very revealing when reason and evidence is met with insults and personal attacks.

    A true scientist would not be so rude - BOTR

    No true Scotsman fallacy.

    I am not a scientist, I am an ex-JW and ex-christian who has an amateur interest in science.

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