An important difference between atheists and true believers

by Hortensia 219 Replies latest social current

  • NewYork44M

    I am not an atheist. Why am I not an atheist? Because I don't consider myself cool enough to associate with those who are atheists. I see atheism as an elite club of people who consider themselves to be superior to the rest of us. They talk in such absolute terms and use words that suggest they are really really smart. Perhaps they are, who am I to say?

    To quote a line from Groucho Marx, "I would never want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member."

    But by the way I think religion is a bunch of crap. So now you know where I stand.

    So, I got my own stinkin problems and have no time or energy to enter the debate.

  • Simon

    We allow discusion of religion of course. What we don't allow is preaching "god is xyz and no one can question it" type statements over and over. Some people think they get to heaven in they say that enough ... we dont need to allow it here.

    If you believe the constant "god loves you" directed at atheists is a sincere display of care and not a poke in the eye designed to antagonize people then I think you are mistaken.

    But when people start talking about the voices in their head? Sorry, they are whacky doodle and need help, not people feeding their dellusion. Its not religious belief, it's plain mental illness.

  • FlyingHighNow

    New York, you just made me chuckle.

  • NewYork44M

    New York, you just made me chuckle.

    Great FlyingHighNow, I am glad I added a little humor to your day.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Glad you did, too. It's been a profoundly sad week for us, with Anthony's suicide (?) death.

  • Laika

    Hmm... Most of the people complaining about tone in this thread are not theists...

    I didn't dislike Tec, I thought she was a nice lady, but it was difficult to have a conversation with her because her response to any disagreement was to tell you that you just didn't have ears to hear or something. Anyway, there's a big difference between strongly expressed disagreement and ridicule. The latter is something I've experienced here rarely and if it became the default way of dealing with me as 'a believer' I'd stop posting here for the same reason I rarely bothered with Tec, not because it would offend me but because it's not conducive to good conversation and would be a waste of my time. I don't foresee this happening however.

    Meanwhile I genuinely enjoy posting here.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm a theist, I guess that is the technical term. Honestly, I love Tammy, but when it came to her or Shelby's posts, I usually couldn't make it past the first sentences. I've seen the dead horse kicked around here until it is nothing but bone fragments and pulp. Not just by theists, but by both (atheists and theists) and all points in between.

  • Viviane

    Hmm... Most of the people complaining about tone in this thread are not theists...

  • FlyingHighNow

    Graphics always give more credence to a post.

  • Viviane

    Sometimes they convey a message better and more effectively than the written word.

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