If God is real?

by suavojr 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    Perry- you believe in a diety that operates like a puppet master, pulling strings.

    The most normal of human functions are considered "sins" by Jesus and Paul. How tragic.

  • ablebodiedman

    able- so what is Jesus saying

    In order to measure the overwhelming amount evidence it is a good idea to already know what he said.

    But yes, I do find people disputing evidence without even knowing.


    Manufacturing just one objection to an evidence and thereby giving themselves permission to ignore the rest.

    It is really interesting examining what people say on this forum.

    Then measuring that against the question raised in the OP.


  • designs

    what the .....

  • DJS

    Abe, I've read your post several times and don't have a clue what it is you are trying to say. I will say clearly what I mean. Proseletyzing and preaching on this site disgust me. They make me want to vomit. Those doing so are doing so to stroke their own ego and narcissism. You are not trying to help others. You simply trot your old worn out mantras and want those of us who have actually used our gray matter for other post - Dub pursuits to act as though your mantras are fresh, shiny and new.

    Why everyone look!!! Perry has a new mantra. Isn't it cuuuuute! Now go play with it outside. Or better yet, I've heard that the Reverend has her own site where narcisstic theists can play with their mantras - together - to their heart's content. I've had my fill of being preached and prosetyzed to by high school graduates with a little bit o' bible learnin' and an IQ just above our other primate friends. So there. Any idea what I'm trying to say there Abe?

    Now, what IS IT you are trying to say?

  • designs

    Saint Paul's cleverness and deceit only passes muster with his Gentile audience back then and today. In support of his version of the Messiah and his human sacrifice- 'blood atonement' Paul distorts Judaism by saying in Hebrews 9:22 'without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness'. Wrong! Lev.5:11 shows that you could offer things like grain flour.

  • bohm

    Perry, i have always taken you for a bit of a dumbass but it must be possible even for you to spell my name correctly at least once.

    Your excuses are just more totalitarian claptrap. I am sure the dear leader, yours or the one in North korea, really hate to have people tortured all the time but as you point out there is just always something that tie their hands and it is always the victims fault and by their own choice they end up roasting over open fire in a pit.

    you are a torture appologist, a fanboy of totalitarianism and an idiot. Your might-makes-right mindset is what has enabled and is still enabling every faschist shithole on this planet past or present.

  • Perry

    The bottom line for some people is: in their mind judgment and separation from the guilty is OK for them to do and for society to do and for our apointed judges to do; but for some reason known only to them, it is not Ok for God to do. And, especially reprehensible is the part about providing a scapegoat where the guilty can, not only be set free, but can be adopted and lavished upon by God.

    So, some will continue to ask themselves ad infinitum why would a good God allow evil without ever accepting the fact that it is precisely because he intends to judge it, defeat it and transform it into good.

  • designs

    The NT cuts the brake lines on critical thinking...

  • galaxie

    Hi perry by your reasoning god must be like a father who allows his child to do something wicked for the gratification of punishing him.

    You really must reconsider for your own wellbeing.

  • bohm

    Perry: the dear leader has also desided there must be punishment for creating internal unrest and so we have torture chambers full of children; it is the same logic.

    All you can say is north korea is lead by the wrong torturing asshole. It is pathetic.

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